See some intelligent discussion about the topic at - "Bill Bennett: "You Could Abort Every Black Baby in this Country""
======================================================, they are freeping a TV station poll...
at William Bennett's Comments Over The Line?
Current numbers:
Choice Votes Percentage of 681 Votes
Yes 190 28%
No 479 70%
Unsure 12 2%
It is Channel 5 in Dallas. When they started freeping it the numbers were 67% NO, 30% YES
So if you are up to a "challange", be my guest.
Comments on Bennett:
Regardless of what Mr. Bennett meant to say, this was a pretty stupid statement. When will stupid RINOcrats and republicans quit shooting themselves in the foot? Another self-inflicted wound. :spray:
Castration would be cheaper. :yoiks: ouch!
Just goes to show how closely Damocrats listen or if they hear, how limited their understanding is of what was said. Outside of being evil they are just plain stupid as well. If they weren't so nasty one would pity it is.. :spray:
The statement was no more racist then saying you could abort every black baby in this country, and your poverty rate would go down :grr:
Now, how do I decontaminate this computer?