to try and make every state GOP. But I, too, think this will backfire. For one thing, Ahnold is 'liberal' on social issues relating to choice and gays. Anything he does on those issues is sure to infuriate the right wingers. I sure hope that the Dems in the legislature dig in their heels and don't let him do things to ruin the state, but do let the people of CA know what he's trying. And I hope the LA Times and other papers keep digging into his sordid past. This has got to make at least some of the conservatives, who have always touted 'family values' squirm (and if they scream it is unfair to call character into account, ask them why it was fair to do the same with Clinton). Finally, I do think that the people who voted for "The Terminator" will maybe finally awaken to the fact that AS is not his character, and that problems in real life aren't solved the way they are in the movies once Ahnold starts messing things up royally.