We can't count on today's media to tell us anything the owners don't want us to hear. That goes double for political campaigns.
Ever since the recall was beginning and Ah-nold stepped into the ring, the media was all over him. They covered him and ignored everyone else.
A liberal friend of mine asked me who else was running, I gave several names and each one got me a blank look.
That brings me to the movie Boiler Room. It was a so-so movie but one line stands out because it's been true ever since Bush decided to run for prez.
"Act as if." was the advice the new stockbrokers were given in order to get sales.
That inevitabilty factor has worked against us, by making people tell themselves "Why bother?" Ah-nold is going to get elected so why bother? Bush is going to get reselected, so why bother? The media harps on it constantly. Blatantly in the case of Ah-nold and subtly in the case of Bush and his so-called "honesty".
Does anyone remember when Bush started running for the 2000 election? Does anyone remember that McCain dropped out after one primary despite many people stating how much they thought he'd make a good prez? McCain should have been the candidate, but the media was all over the father-son angle and Bush himself was acting AS IF he was already prez.
Selecting his cabinet before the votes were counted in Florida turned my crank.
Now, even with his numbers as low as they are, even with a terrorist attack to help him, people are still assuming that they haven't got a chance. Everyone is talking about the stacked deck and saying we don't have a chance.
I for one am not going to wallow in inevitability. It's my job and everyone else's job to fight inevitiability all the way.
Or, we can make it work for us.
We are the ones who are pros at grass roots organizing. USE IT!
Get into conversations about the Wilson-Plame business. Starpass yeaterday had a great post about it. This is bif stuff and can shatter the perception of honor and dignity that still seems to cling to our little usurper. Talk about how the administration is at fault and how this is really going to bloiw Bush's image all to hell. Act as if it already happened.
Talk about how Bush is never going to be re-(s)elected now. His numbers are too low and his administration is too crooked. Bring up everything that you can think of. Enron. The WMDs that aren't there. Your friends and relatives who are in Iraq and want to come home. Halliburton and how there was no bidding process and don't forget to mention who is on Halliburton's board of directors: Dick Cheney. Act as if it's inevitable.
And most importantly, get out and volunteer for the candidate of your choice. Whether you want Kucinich or Dean or Clark or Kerry, or whoever, work your tail off.
We have much to undo and we can't waste the time being apathetic.
Let's make the other side feel apathetic for a change.