He says this is exactly the time that we should be working on a move from nonrenewable energy sources, like Iraqi oil, to renewable energy sources.
A caller (on the "Other" line) attempting to take Dennis to task for saying he is the only candidate who actually voted against the war and the Patriot Act. She thinks he said he was the only one who was against the war and the Patriot Act and she wants to remind him that the two African-American candidates oppose the war.
Next caller (on the "Support Kucinich" line)has a son in Iraq, wants to know what you (Congress) are going to do about it, says she doesn't think they understand how things are for parents of military personnel.
Now a Republican calls on the "Support Bush" line) and mispronounces Kucinich, says he disagrees with everything he said about Iraq, asks, "You got anything to say about that?"
Dennis is unperturbed by all this, just explains his position as if no one were hassling him at all.
Pedro just wished Dennis a Happy Birthday! 57 today.
Finally, a caller says she has admired him since the first time she heard him, applauds what he just said about NAFTA. (Yeah, I can't type fast enought to cover everything!) Now he's talking about waste at the Pentagon. A trillion dollar discrepancy in their accounts.