The repubilcans have tapped into the most primal instincts of humanity, and are now moving this Nation from a democratic republic to what can only be described as a barbarian nation. Pre-emptive wars of aggression are now considered okay, and questioning the clan has become grounds for banishment.
I believe this is painfully clear in the millions of people out there who still support the tragedy that is the Iraq quagmire, the millions of people who believe we should pull out of the UN, the millions of people who have no problem trading civil liberties for a false sense of security, but most of all, the millions of people who seem to respond in favor to John Wayne rhetoric put forth by people like George Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Strength (or at least the appearence of strength) is 'in', and diplomacy has been given a back seat to the reptillian urge to fight.
In my opinion, this does not bode well for the continued existence of a civil world. Thanks to the Bush regime, pre-emptive, aggressive strikes have become tolerated, if not encouraged, and this has set off a new, world wide arms race.
Now, we are reduced to a tribal mentality of kill or be killed. We have allowed ourselves to become the Banana Republics we have deplored in the past. Our leaders become ever more brutish, less intelligent, exhibiting only hatred and anger as indications of strength.
Those of us who believe in peace and democracy and diplomacy, our days are numbered, and likewise the tribes of any of those other nations who do not abide by a life lived by the sword. However, the modern version of a 'sword' is now a mini-nuke bunker buster bomb. Again, it is my belief that this does not bode well for the continued existence of civilized humanity.
I hope I am over-reacting, but I can't deny the signs that I see. Those of us who approach problems from an intellectual standpoint are being told to 'shut up', are being told to 'watch what we say'. How long will it be before saying the wrong thing will win you a space in a Gitmo cell? You think I'm joking, but I'm not.
In a barbaric clan, insubordination is grounds for banishment, or worse.
It's ironic, isn't it? From the Age of Information to the new Age of Barbarianism. How far we've fallen in such a short time. And it wouldn't have been possible if not for media networks like FOX, CNN and MSNBC. Okay, there's my thought. I will no go outside the cave and await the inevitable stoning I'll receive for speaking ill of our glorious cheiftans.