First of all, Californians, you have my heartfelt condolences.
We lost this battle. The only thing we can do now is do what we can to make it work to our advantage.
Next year, we will have a presidential election on which the future of our nation rests. I firmly believe that if Bush wins again, America as we know it is OVER. And we all know that they will do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to win.
The idea that this recall is a "right-wing power grab" is already out there. We need to push this, hard. We need to say over and over again that the Republicans will do anything to win, that they don't care about what the people really want, that all that matters to them is staying in power.
We need to plant that idea solidly in the American consciousness NOW, so that if * manages to steal the next election, enough people will recognize it for what it is that MAYBE we can stop them from getting away with it. If we wait too long, it will be seen as "just politics."
So there's no time like the present. Start talking about this TODAY. If anybody brings up the recall, grumble about how the Republicans stole another election--not from Democrats but from the voters. Write a letter to the editor. Say something to a total stranger while you're waiting in the checkout line. Call in to a radio talk show.
Spread the word.