This is from his "Daily Fix" newsletter this morning.
Flags of intellectual acumen and nuanced understanding and general
spiritual lightness were at half mast today as Californians banished
much-loathed bland-as-oatmeal Gray Davis just 11 months into his second
term and instead buried their heads in the sand and decided it's better
to trash their state completely than let it be run by whimpering jerks,
and elected mediocre action hero and rather embarrassing actor and
noted sexist grope-aholic inarticulate completely inexperienced GOP
lackey Arnold Schwarzenegger to replace him -- a Hollywood ending to
one of the most extraordinary political melodramas in the nation's
history, as well as one of the most adorably nauseating circus
freakshows of all time, though the pit-of-the-stomach nausea is but a
hint of the pain wrought when BushCo bought the election and drove a
monosyllabic icepick into the heart of the nation. Voters traded a
career Democratic politician who became one of the state's most
despised chief executives for a moderate Republican megastar who had
never before run for office and who is pretty much completely
unqualified in every possible way to run the most powerful state in the
nation and the fifth largest economy in the world and whose happily
narcotized wife looks like something a drunken plastic surgeon
practiced on with Play-Doh and squirrel parts.