If you read the article you will find that the person who is making that claim is John Gannon. Now you would think that doesn't mean much until you find out that John Gannon is tied to Intellibridge Corporation and Intellibridge Corporation is tied to Enron. He was also tapped to work for The Dept of Homeland Security as the head of intelligence.
Yep, this sounds like the kind of guy I would trust to "dispel myths" on his say so alone! :eyes:
http://nrrc.mitre.org/NRRC/Documents/John%20Gannon%20Intellibridge%20Bio.dochttp://www.counterpunch.org/enronintellibridge.htmlhttp://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0103/012903h1.htmNow, for what I believe really happened. If you have read many of my posts, you will know that I believe that Al Qaeda is in fact a CIA front organisation that was spun off by the BFEE (or VRWC if you prefer) for their own use. The BFEE has been planning what is going on right now for decades, and the first Gulf War was meant to be the first step, but they didn't expect Clinton to get elected, and he got in their way.
Suddenly Al Qaeda began targetting the US, supposedly to get US troops out of Saudi Arabia, but without actually tagetting those troops. Many of these Al Qaeda attacks were seemiongly assisted by US forces. For example the 1993 WTC bombing was carried out under the noses of the FBI, and in fact the FBI seems to have been the source of the explosives used.
During this timeframe, PNAC started up, and began putting pressure on Clinton to react to these attacks, as well as the phony WMD charges against Iraq, but he didn't buy it.
Next thing you know there is the whole Monica thing and attempts to impeach Clinton. Now in here falls the Sudan bombing. The point of this bombing was to get Clinton to bomb an innocent factory, thus making him look like a failure as well as diverting him from attacking REAL Al Qaeda targets.
The camp in Afghanistan is another example. The intelligence that led to the attack was so bad it HAD to be intentional, and didn't Clinton llok bad when all he could do was kill a camel and knock down a few derelict buildings!
Also look at the Cole bombing. A US navy ship was sent into a hostile harbour with ZERO protection and left waiting to be attacked. When the FBI tried to find out what happened, BFEE cronies ran them off supposedly because they were antagonising the locals, but more likely to prevent them actually finding out who was behind the attack.
So along comes 2000, and now the BFEE is getting desperate. Their plans are in action, but unless they can get their man in the Oval Office it would all be for naught, and might even expose them. So what happens? The 2000 coup.
Then right on cue comes the Sept 11 bombing.
Look, if you go back through the history you will see that this is an ongoing plan carried out by the BFEE with the CIA (or at least the part they controlled) and it has all been leading right to where we are now - the US becoming a fascist police state.