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Mission: Lipstick the Pig!

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Flubadubya Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-09-03 06:24 AM
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Mission: Lipstick the Pig!
Well Rove has been up all night cooking up his latest PR stunt. These folks are really getting desperate. Junior and Condi have been set to the task (not "tasked" - ugh!) of painting the pig's lips.

Job #1: Make the horrors occurring daily in Iraq appear to be inconsequential and to pale in comparison to the glorious work that is being done for the "now free" Iraqis.

Job #2: Make the economy look like it really isn't on its last leg. Make it look like it is beginning a resounding recovery, not because of the hiked up military-industrial complex input, but because it is genuinely gaining momentum solely on the merits of the airhead's tax cut for the rich.

OK Faux news, et. al., it is your solemn duty to prop all this up and help with the sell. You must interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcasting to go LIVE to one of these cosmetic sessions immediately.

Now good luck BushCo. Let's see how many bright Americans fall for this latest propaganda schtick. Can't wait for CNN to proudly display the skyrocketing poll numbers that Bush will garner from this latest Goebelesque campaign, can you?
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Flubadubya Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-09-03 08:54 AM
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1. The creep is on CNN now...
pushing his lies. I guess this topic is a nonstarter today, but tune in if you're interested.
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