You've got Marcy Kaptur for Rep for the Ninth District. The Mayor and City Council are predominately Democratic, or at least they used to be.
And you cannot beat the park system. I have lived in many places and the Toledo Metroparks are the BEST anywhere. They are free and clean and not crowded. The Toledo area also has the Maumee River. I am not talking about the area from Rossford down through the Port of Toledo, I am talking about up near Waterville. My husband and I kayak and canoe it all the time. There are several rapids to travel through, really near Side Cut they have to be at least a Class II when the water is up.
The area also has at least three good bike trails. One near UT, the other in Maumee, and one more in Whitehouse (which I have not investigated yet).
Toledo also has a world-class museum (I used to work there)and a wonderful Zoo (Have you ever gone to the free Sunday night concerts there?). I also enjoyed the fireworks on Labor Day.
In the Toledo area there are a lot of blue collar people with Jeep and Powertrain, but there are a lot of white collar types too. I haven't seen much religious fundamentalism there. There are bad apples everywhere but Toledo's charms have outweigh its negatives. I am thinking about moving back to the area from Detroit and my Michigan friends can't believe I would willingly move back. I tell them they have to see it to believe it. It is a nature lover's dream!