I don't deny that reductions in activity have a lot to do with the problem, but I don't agree that it's as important as we think it is.
I've struggled with my weight since I was about 7, and have been clinically obese since I was 30; I'm 45, and have only lost weight over the last year, because the stress on me became overwhelming.
First, the primary stress on me is chronic pain from several ear and throat operations. I take opiates/opioids for it, but the pain is always there, and I won't go above a certain dose, since I prefer pain to numbness.
Recent family problems (people dying and nearly dying), being evicted from a slum apartment, losing an excellent job to outsourcing, losing five programming contracts after that to outsourcing, and losing my health insurance have added a certain amount of stress, too.
Needless to say, my life is a mess, but I was able to lose 50 pounds and reduce some of the damage by eating low-carb over the last 6 months. My cortisol, eosinophiles, cholesterol, and lipid panel all look like hell. My triglycerides were 800 when I started low-carb. They are down to about 300 now, but that's still too high. Low-carb has helped, but I look back at the previous decade-and-a-half, when I was doing everything "right", even "going vedge" for most of that time.
In spite of all of that, I gained weight from an average of 2000 kCal per day over the period of 1986 to 2002, going from 150 to 285. (Yes, I've kept food journals, and I seldom pig out.) My basal metabolism indicates that I've needed an average of 2500 to 3800 kCal per day over that period. I have also exercised faithfully since 1983. That means more than an hour a week; currently, it's between five and eight hours per week.
Add to it that fact that the last time I was tested for allergies, I was highly allergic to all airborne allergens except dog dander. I was dangerously reactive to cat dander, tobacco and dustmite residue.
Can you imagine how that reduces the available "pool" of women for me to date?
No, it's not just food. My life has been pretty sucky for several years and it's showing in my blood, in my bank account, and around my waist.
What can I do? I'll continue to try as best as I can to make things go better. As I've said, I've had some success lately. I remain optimistic, I grit my teeth and whistle a happy tune when I have to, and I keep as philosophical an attitude as I can. I know I'm far better off than most people in this world, and even a lot of people who may be reading this rant/expository.
Oh, yes, I also read DU. Keeps me fightin' mad. :-)
Sure, I worry about myself, but I also worry that our world is quickly becoming a high-tech chamber of horrors. And it's not pornography, atheism, Ecstasy, or the Internet that's to blame. So of course it's going to affect peoples' physiologies.
Thanks for allowing me to rant.
--bkl Anybody got Rush's pharmacist's phone number?