It doesn’t happen totally by volition; it not is like they make these choices and as they grow up from childhood saying “I am going to be a fascist dictator when I grow up”. It is process and it has many eternal and external elements. Any numbers of famous and infamous people have made that trip by such circumstances spun into that corner. Some chose and some were drawn.
When the person is separated from the myth, it is much easier to discern how consequences align them selves. There are so many good places to learn about different things, history, people and movements on the internet. I often find it difficult to ponder such and wonder how anybody can come with a exact conclusion about anything (but being on the same page is helpful).
Thanks for the post about the films, but realize that propaganda does not work too well without other things being in place. To think ancient people dreamed of movement being seen in pictures would be something that I also would like to contemplate, bringing to the point of what someone can imagine and could it ever be made to come true, that’s the scary part Visualization - Part One
From Imagination to Reality
Attracting Success with Mind Power
By Remez Sasson
Visualizing is seeing images in our mind. If we add concentration and feelings to visualization, it becomes a great creative power that makes things happen. Used in the right way, creative visualization can bring changes into our life. The thought is the matrix or blueprint; the feelings provide the energy, the "electricity".
Sounds weird? Not at all!
With creative visualization, we are able to alter our environment and circumstances, cause events to happen, attract money, possessions, work and love, change habits and improve the health. It is a great mind power. It is the power beyond every success.
Imagine you have a genie
at your disposal.
By visualizing an event, a situation, or an object, such as a car, a house, furniture etc, we attract it to us. We see in our imagination what we want and it happens. It is like daydreaming. It resembles magic, though actually there is no magic here. It is a natural process of thought.
I sure most people are sick of this one but I will paste it up anyway, maybe someone has not seen it (yet)
It's time for another Bush/Nazis thread
Know the enemy, and never forget