Now just think if Jesse Jackson had said something like this the media would have a headline that Jesse favored genocide for whatever group he was talking about. I think this is a horrid comment to make in such a nonchalant way. Just shows you what kind of evil we are dealing with. I sure hope these people don't immigrate here with their hatefulness. How much more control of our country do they need?
Sounds like he's sorry that the world won't allow genocide and that he approves of what we did to the Native Americans.
"For a people of the book, for a country created by history as well as by men, Israel acts as if nothing that went before has any bearing on what is happening now. But history admonishes Israel. The only places where a Western culture has successfully transplanted itself are those where great population pressure and genocidal methods were used to extirpate the indigenous peoples. This is what happened in the United States."