Edited on Thu Oct-09-03 05:03 PM by Dover
the different candidates? Seems like it would be useful to compile some handy facts on each candidate's policies, goals, etc. that go beyond generalizations and platitudes, to the heart of each issue. Even better if we could compile a common list of questions for each one.
For instance, on foreign issues:
What does each candidate see as our CURRENT role and goals in the Middle East?
How has our need for oil played into this role?
How is the U.S. impacted by a switch by several of our oil partners to the Euro?
What would each candidate do about the current situation with troops in Iraq?
What about our other troop dispersements in Afghanistan, Africa, S. America, etc?
What is their policy on Venezuela's resistance?
How would they handle North Korea?
How would they alter (if at all) world trade issues regarding privatization, IMF's role, etc?
How do they envision the U.S.'s role in efforts toward globalization?
How do Democracies co-exist with Corporate Goverance?
How would they alter the current version of the Patriot Act and Homeland Security?
How would they define a "Terrorist"?
Is the "war on terrorism" exaggerated or even invented to create incentive in the American public to take part in, what is actually, an aggressive attempt to secure strategic locations and resources?
ETC......add your own question.
Maybe if the these questions haven't already been answered we can submit them to the candidates for a written reply so that they have no excuses regarding public debate constraints or media soundbites. Or maybe a better venue can be created for more indepth responses.