This was originally posted on LBN.
HOLGUIN, Cuba - (KRT) - Cubans make ham from algae, dolls from shampoo bottles, and picture frames from old CD cases.
They joke that their national pastime isn't really baseball. It's the art of innovation.
"We're natural born inventors," said Javier Portelles, 54, who cruises the streets in a Cuban creation known as the "Coco-taxi" - an Italian moped topped with a coconut-shaped Fiberglas body. "We're survivors. We won't let ourselves die."
In that spirit, Cuban officials recently held a two-day invention fair in the eastern city of Holguin. Fifty award-winning innovations - from handcrafted U-shaped bicycle seats to homemade plastic purses - were on display.
"This is the fruit of the revolution," declared Jose Suarez Bravo, president of Cuba's National Association of Inventors and Innovators. always thought that capitalists were the innovative ones? :eyes: