Pay attention Democrats! The Republicans have a plan and many of you are failing to catch it. This is not just a plan to take over a few states and expand the majority. Connect the dots. George Bush Jr and Jeb Bush run for Governor's of Texas and Florida. George Bush Jr. Runs for President and rigs the election in Florida to win. George Bush Jr. Cuts needed funds to California to reduce popularity of Democratic Governor. Sees a chance a does a recall. Governor of Texas Perry and Tom Delay redistrict Texas to ensure Democrats flushed out. Republicans now planning a recall of the Governor of New Jersey Republicans caught bugging the Democratic Mayor of Philadelphia. The Republicans plan is to control the 13 largest states that contain 53% of the US Population. California-Republican run Texas--Republican run New York--Republican run Florida--Republican run Illinois-- Ohio--Republican Run Pennsylvania Michigan-- North Carolina-- Georgia--Republican Run Virginia New Jersey Massachusetts--Republican run
They only need 5 more and are already starting on two of them. New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Once Philadelphia is taken over by these Repukes, the whole state will go because it is only 52% Democrats. Philadelphia is large enough to change the whole state. The New Jersey Recall, if placed on the ballot, will pass and will fall into Republican hands again. Bush needs Pennsylvania to win the electoral college in 2004. That is the state he is targeting because he cannot rig Florida twice without it being obvious to even the hardcore Republicans. Bush has authorized the bugging of Mayor Street's office because he is in tight race with Katz and seeking any information he can to sink him, take over the city and rig the city votes, that would in turn switch the state's electoral votes so he can steal the election. Wake up SHEEPEOPLE! He is targeting California too so we spend time and money fighting for a state that is clearly ours! They are rigging the election in Pennsylvania! Am I the only one that sees this happening? Don't people think it is just a tad off that a mayor of a city that is running in a close election would have his office bugged? Do you not see that if Philly turns to Republican hands that will turn the State and in turn the electoral college? This is exactly what Nixon did in 1972 to take down Muskie. The only difference is the Bush abused his office using Federal Agents. Nixon sent in a goon that left tape on the door. We need to make a huge loud noise over this. We need to watch what is going on and point out that Bush is abusing his office to win and rig elections. I am tired of the candidate with the second amount of votes winning election. Kick Bush out. Expose his fraud and corruption. Starting tonight.
Write your local newspapers. Explain, a change in the hands of Philly means a change in hands of the state which means 21 Electoral votes out of the Democrats hands and 21 in the hands of the Republicans. A difference of 42 votes can determine the presidential election easily.