This is probably going to be old info. for DUers(or not). I firmly admit to being slightly out of the loop at the moment here in the Middle East. Having said that, I found an interesting tidbit that some of you will remember from Gulf War I. If you recall Joseph Wilson was the Chagee d'Affaire for the Bush I administration in Baghdad:
"Ambassador Wilson was the Political Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of United States Armed Forces, Europe, 1995-1997. He served as the U.S. Ambassador to the Gabonese Republic and to the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe from 1992 to 1995. From 1988 to 1991, Ambassador Wilson served in Baghdad, Iraq as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy. During “Desert Shield” he was the acting Ambassador and was responsible for the negotiations that resulted in the release of several hundred American hostages. He was the last official American to meet with Saddam Hussein before the launching of “Desert Storm.”" important thing I uncovered was this: WILSON WAS THE ONE CRITICALLY INVOLVED IN THE 'FAILED' NEGOTIATIONS THAT LED UP TO GULF WAR I. In fact, Wilson was a victim of the propaganda campaign in the push towards war. Wilson's final critical meeting with Saddam was leaked to the media as being an utter failure. This propaganda came directly from high government officials via the Washington Post. Weeks later when the transcript of the Wilson/Saddam meeting came out, it became clear that Saddam was (far from being the next Hitler) trying to seriously reach an agreement far short of war. By then, though, the propaganda campaign had taken on a life of its own as the hawks in the Bush I administration moved doggedly towards war.
In other words, Wilson was hung out to dry as part of a propaganda campaign (sound familiar???). I firmly believe that Wilson saw this happening again and decided to speak out (which he did).
The speculative part of my post is this. I am coming to believe that the 'high government' officials who set him up in Gulf War I are the same ones who outed Wilson's wife.
I think Rove may be the misdirection in this case. Ultimately, I think the trail will lead to Dick Cheney and Wolfewitz.