Though I avoid listening/watching hate media, I have been interested in the boycott-their-advertisers idea. I do wonder about the effectiveness of that tactic, particularily getting enough people to have an impact on a national corporation. It occurs to me that maybe a more direct approach would be more effective. What about attacking local advertisers? By this, I mean, for example, if a local plumbing firm advertises on a show, call them up and schedule a visit to look at a "job" you need to have done. Then, depending on how much time you have to invest in the effort, either just not be home (in which case, you call them back, complain about them standing you up, and reschedule) or be there, take up a lot of their time, string them along, and then "decide to go with someone else." It seems to me that an hour or less of my time, compunded by many others contributing their hour, can waste an awful lot of these people's time and do some real damage. You would be depriving them of money that goes to advertising on the hate-fests and donations to the repukes. As opposed to doing something illegal (like vandalism, etc. which I would NEVER condone or suggest), this is a method to impact them where it counts, in their wallets. It also has the advantage of not having to be organized in any fashion, thus saving time and avoiding any 'conspiracy' dangers. Well?