Shows will not have Aministration officials but will have Biden, Lugar and John Kerry defending why we need to spend the 87 Billion in Iraq, and Repugs will also defend the spending and make the case that "even though WMD have NOT been found In Iraq, the Liberation was still the right thing to do. This media Blitz is to convince the American Public that the war and spending are positive steps in winning Peace and that things in Iraq are going well, it's the media that isn't portraying the situation correctly. This is according to Juan Williams on NPR this afternoon.
He also said Bush will be giving speeches all day Monday around US trying to prove his case about Iraq.
I just heard Cheney on C-Span and had to turn it off! He was saying that "Liberating Iraq kept Saddam from using his WMD/ Chemical and Biological against us!" I couldn't believe he's REPEATING THE LIE! (I also think he slipped in Nuclear), but I can't quote on that. He looked up from his notes to the audience as if he was emphasizing...YES, I"M TELLING YOU ....HE HAD THEM (The look on his face was emphatic.) Then, he said: "And, the terrorists who have congregated to Iraq will be taken care of in Iraq, and not on the Streets of America." (That sentence is an Exact quote) Then he went on about how the Cold War was Evil and we ended that, and Saddam was Evil and we have ended that and we will rout Evil wherever it takes us in fighting terrorism. (Loose quote)
So, Cheney is repeating the LIE and thinking he will get away with it. He must be deranged, because he WON'T. :grr: