Edited on Fri Oct-10-03 03:31 PM by jiacinto
First of all I would never have posted this information at DU, as someone at your workplace could conceivably find this post here. Have you ever used DU at the office? If the answer is yes then that means that the IT person could easily find out what web sites you've visted, what emails you've sent, and what you've said. They could use that against later.
Secondly, before becoming a whistle blower, let me tell you what you are going to be up against. Most likely, when you took this job, you signed a confidentiality agreement. And the company could very well argue that your posting that information breached that contract. On top of it you could very well lose your job and be blacklisted from future employment in your field.
Most employment, the vast majority of jobs, are "at will". That basically means that they can fire you whenver they want to. In your employment contract there was probably a statement that said something to the effect of "employment at XYZ Corporation is at will. The management of XYZ Corporation reserves the right to terminte your employment at will at any time for any reason with or without warning. You, the employee, may also terminte your employment with XYZ Corporation at any time for any reasons with or without warning". So that means that they can fire you if you become a "problem" in their eyes. And winning unfair terminiation suits is very hard. They will then claim and manipulate your record by stating that you were "fired" because your performance wasn't "up to par" (even though you were doing your job they will find one blemish or technical violation of the rules and stick it to you). So it can get very nasty.
And then your former employer could very well call other people or companies telling them that you are a "troublemaker". You may very well never be able to find work again in your field or career.
I would be very careful before trying to become a "hero". These folks WILL fight back and it could get ugly. You will have to probably hire a laywer and incur significant legal fees accordingly. Also, if you do report them, you never how people will react. I am not trying to scare you, but pushing this issue further could very well make life very difficult for you.
Think about this clearly before you do anything. I just don't want you to be in a difficult position.