How many remember this famous mantra of the 60s? And how many know that it was a strategy of the radicals to fight a political situation that they thought was hopeless. The tune in was actually a reference to music, because the music of the times rejected the status quo. The turn on was of course drugs because it had become the sacrament of the radicals and hippies. But the drop out was a method of fighting back against what they perceived as a situation where they had no power or voice. It was a simple “I will not play in your games and I will not abide by your rules”
Lately I have seen here on DU some pretty discouraged people some wanting to go to Canada ( I have actually considered it myself) and some that wanted a revolution. But I say wait and work hard till the election, and then if it is still hopeless, consider the option of dropping out. It would be hard to do I know, and it would mean that you would have to reorder your life in a new direction, a positive one would be essential if you are a caring person. It would mean quitting your job and living by your wits, selling your stock portfolio and not buying the goods of society. How many could really do this? Probably only the young would dare.