The good people down at the DNC are just as angry as we are. I saw a lot of anti-McAullife material just after the recall. I personally think that Gray Davis was unsavable but it can't be ignored that the DNC did contribute a lot of money to the anti-recall effort, convinced all the Dem candidates to go to California in support of Davis, and this is also the first time the DNC has been debt-free in decades. McAullife has already pledged to immidiately give our nominee 10 million dollars on the day of the convention.
At the top left of the email is this:
Now you can own an autographed copy of Al Franken's new book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.
ALSO, here's the text of the email!
White House Leak Cover-Up BeginsDear XXXXXX,
Last week, we asked you to sign a petition urging a special counsel investigation into the illegal White House leak of the identity of an undercover CIA operative. So far, more than 60,000 of you have signed the petition.
Now this week we learn that the administration is trying to make this story go away.
Bush even predicted the results of his own cover-up, saying, "I don't know if we're going to find out the senior administration official."
If you haven't signed the petition yet, sign it today.
Recall Wrap UpUnfortunately, right-wing Republicans were successful in their undemocratic efforts to overturn two legitimate elections and install a figurehead governor with no experience and no plan for California.
But there were some bright spots in Tuesday's election.
Voters rejected the Bush economyThis election was, more than anything else, a rejection of the Bush economy. The right-wing smear machine blamed Davis for Bush's economic failures, when in fact Davis cleaned up Bush's mess by eliminating California's $38 billion budget deficit.
While Republicans were able to distort Davis' record, they will not be able to hide Bush's in 2004. The blame for our stagnant economy and massive job losses all across the country lies right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
California will vote Democratic in 2004Schwarzenegger touted his support for choice, the environment, and gay rights (not that his record matched his rhetoric). On social issues, he ran as the anti-Bush, and California voters will reject Bush's radical conservative agenda in 2004 just as they did in 2000.
Conservative commentators and administration surrogates have tried to make the argument that Arnold Schwarzenegger's election puts California in play in 2004. That's ridiculous.
Proposition 54 was defeatedProposition 54 was an anti-minority, anti-affirmative action initiative that would have hurt California's education, health care, law enforcement, and more.
California overwhelmingly rejected this race-baiting initiative by a margin of 64 percent to 36 percent. The failure of Prop. 54 underscores California's Democratic values and proves that the nation's largest state will definitely vote for the Democratic candidate in November 2004.