"There is no greater Tyranny than the one
that names God as its co-conspirator."
October 11, 2003
First we have Bill Bennett addicted to the slots, now Rush Limbaugh says he is addicted to opiates, which he obtained illegally and tonight we learn that Pat Robertson is wishing that he had a nuke with which to destroy the State Department.
I remember a time not too long ago when a person could be arrested for joking about Anthrax missives around the water cooler. Does anyone care to bet on whether or not there any consequences for any of these bozos?
Limbaugh's little brother has gotten in on the act with his new book in which he claims that Christians are being persecuted in the United States. That is the most ludicrous thing I have heard yet. If that were true, Robertson would be in jail tonight. It does not take much to find yourself in jail if you really are being persecuted.
The fact is that these concrete, literalists say any damn goofy, hateful thing they want to say and it usually goes completely unchallenged or very politely challenged. Falwell was challenged when he said that the U.S. got what it deserved on 9/11 because of Gays and Lesbians and abortion doctors and People for the American Way and the ACLU. He never really apologized.
These bozos are all every bit as pathological and bin Laden ever thought about being.Their main goal in life in to have their religious beliefs codified as law in this country.
Well, I, for one, am sick and tired of Fatwas and other pronouncements from on high issued by the Grand PooBahs and High HooHas and murdering Mullahs of the Religious Right. I do not care what flavor. A Fundy is a fundy is a fundy, and I am convinced that they are the most dangerous people on Earth, because they are not only deluded, but they insist that we share in their delusions.
There is no greater Tyranny than the one that names God as its co-conspirator.
Dot Dedman