You think the headline is a joke? I truly wish it were, but it's not.
You ask: How? What? Who? Where? When?
I'll tell you, and every word is the truth, and can be backed up by readily available facts and voting records (some links appear at the end of this essay). You have the choice of either ignoring these charges, or doing something about them. For the good of our country, and the sake of world peace, it is your duty to do something about this.
Please, stick with me as I lay out the facts here:
> What if I told you, that there is a subject, about which, many Democrats routinely agree with their Republican counterparts on? A subject championed by the likes of Tom DeLay in the House, and Joe Lieberman in the Senate? A subject embraced by PNAC, and their evil band of fascist neocons, and is a major reason for their existence? A subject that has cost this nation hundreds of billions of dollars, the deaths of hundreds of our soldiers, and now is now a major reason for our involvement in Iraq, and soon, our invasions of Syria and Iran? A subject that invokes such fear in Democrats, they rarely speak out against it, for fear of attack and retribution? A subject, that because if Bush and the neocons are given all they seek from the Congress, may well help Bush's re-election (sic).
That "subject"? The answer in a moment, but first, a bit more background on the "players", .....and the "game".
> There is an insidious group of fascist neocons, who several years a go formed an organization called PNAC (Project For a New American Century. Google "PNAC" for more information). They support U.S. world domination, control of world oil resources, and the subjugation and pacification of the Arab/Muslim world through wars and military actions. The majority of the group is comprised of "pro-Israel" sycophants and supporters, many of whom have worked for Israel's radical right-wing Likud regime.
Similarly, many of the primary principals of PNAC, hold positions of power within the Bush regime, and are known as "The Cabal". They include Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Elliot Abrams, Richard Bolton, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and a number of others. They currently control the foreign policy and military apparatus of this nation.
It was PNAC that conceived and planned the Iraq war, a full two years before Bush took office. In addition to gaining control of the oil, the principals of PNAC saw U.S. led war(s) in the Middle East, as a way to help Israel achieve dominance over its neighbors, and as a way to subjugate and subdue the Arab populations of the region. As Israel, and its war-mongering leader, Ariel Sharon, was also clamoring for the U.S. to conduct military actions in the region, PNAC's "pro-Israel" principals saw U.S. action as imperative. The events of 9/11 provided the impetus and excuses needed for the PNAC/Israeli encouraged wars to begin. Bush, wanting the oil, scratched the back of the "pro-Israel" neocons, as they scratched his, in a deal as evil as any since the days of the Nazi regime.
>So what about the Democrats you say? Let's start with the vote on the Iraq resolutions, up to, and including, the vote to give Bush a free and unfettered hand to conduct as many wars as he saw fit in the Middle East. Have you ever asked yourself
why so many Democrats voted for these actions? It wasn't all "patriotism" in the aftermath of 9/11, that led to their votes. Nor was it, on the part of many, because they sincerely believed that Iraq was involved in 9/11, in fact, many already knew there was no proof Iraq was involved.
One of the primary reasons, and a common denominator among all those who voted for it, was I-S-R-A-E-L. Let me explain....
Israel's incredibly powerful U.S. lobbies, led my the state of Israel itself, and helped by organizations like AIPAC, JINSA, and a number of other "pro-Israel" friendly groups (like the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, and the Council on Foreign Relations) leapt into action after 9/11, clamoring for war(s) and intervention. 9/11, was the answer to their dreams of greater U.S. involvement in the Middle East.
***It should be noted here, that "pro-Israel" supporters span several religious and ethnic designations, and are not simply confined to those of Jewish faith or heritage.*** The many Democrats who voted for the action, were already recipients of copious amounts of cash from AIPAC and others, and had seen to it that Israel's every wish was granted in Congress, whether it was billions in aid, or new weapons systems, given gratis, to our "ally" Israel.
Yes, Israel, and support for its right-wing Likud government, is the common denominator, the "subject" if you will, the reason why so many Democrats are voting to support (directly and indirectly) the goals of PNAC, G.W. Bush, and the group of fascist neocons currently running our government. Their support is as unwavering, and unquestioning, as that of the most radical right-wing Republicans in Congress.
The most recent example of this support, was last week's vote in the House for sanctions against Syria. Right along with radical fundie wing-nuts like Tom Delay, here was our own Nancy Pelosi, and many other Dems (click here for a list: ), voting to give the Bush/PNAC cabal still more tools and power to allow them to increase their war mongering efforts in the Middle East. These Democrats were not so much directly supporting the Bush regime, but were being consistent with their unquestioning and unwavering support for whatever Israel wants, and
Israel wants war in Syria and Iran.
Indirectly(?), they just handed the Bush/PNAC cabal most of the tools they need to once more dominate the front pages, wage wars, spread fear, initiate still more fascist control over our civil rights, spend billions more on weapons and the Pentagon, and in the end, re-elect (sic) G.W. Bush. Why isn't it apparent to these Democrats, especially since the Iraq fiasco, and the very public outing of the PNAC doctrine, and its neocon principals, that their "pro-Israel" votes now support PNAC, Bush, the neocons, and the war-mongering right-wing government of Israel? By sleeping with major "pro-Israel" lobbys like AIPAC, these Democrats are now as allied with PNAC's goals as any Republican. Why don't these Dems just come out and say it, "We support Ariel Sharon, no matter how nasty and brutal he is. We support war after war in the Middle East, as long as it gets us the "pro-Israel" vote, and good press. We'll rubber stamp whatever PNAC/Bush/Sharon ask us to, whether it's billions for Israel, billions for wars, whatever. We support PNAC's doctrine of U.S. world domination and control of its resources, knowing even as we do, it helps G.W. Bush's re-election (sic) chances. We don't give a damn about the fact it is
our children, who are sent off to fight wars for oil and Israel. We only care about getting re-elected, and in order to get re-elected, we need to keep those conservative "pro-Israel" voters (and their powerful friends in the media) happy, and keep that AIPAC money flowing."
OK, that may seem rather harsh, however, in most cases, it is unfortunately, the truth. Here's some more truth....
Now you may ask, why does the "pro-Israel" faction have such incredible power over our Congress and its members? How could a little country in the Middle East, and its supporters here, exert such incredible influence, completely out of proportion to its international stature, economic power, and population? How do its U.S. supporters manage to intimidate and cajole our legislators into voting for Israel's, and its PNAC/Bush- neocon cabal allies', every whim and wish?
Given that the Jewish population of the U.S. is little more than 2.5%, and probably not more than half of them (thankfully) support Israel's current government, where does this power come from? Given the low number of fundie wing-nuts that have allied themselves with the "pro-Israel" factions, again, where does this power come from? Is it the millions the "pro-Israel" lobbies give out in "bribe" money? Is it the promise of a couple of million conservative Jewish votes? No. That's a small part of it, .......but not all of it.
The answer lies in one word: M-E-D-I-A. This is a subject most decline to discuss, for fear of being called a conspiracy nut, an anti-Semite, or worse. But, it has little to do with religion, and more about political power and allegiances. As a person who was in the media business for many years, as a writer, editor, publisher, musician, concert promoter, and producer, ....when it comes to this subject, I know of what I speak.
"Pro-Israel" faction sycophants are primary players in this nation's media.
There's nothing sinister or conspiratorial about this, just is. It's like the fact Southerners dominate NASCAR, or the Irish make great whiskey, but be it ownership, executive management, reporters, producers, or writers, this comparatively, and proportionally small group, is incredibly powerful. Some use this power for good, ......some do not. Some "think" they are using their power for good, when if fact, it is having the opposite effect. Regardless, it is a major force in this nation.
Think about it. Without good press, no politician survives. Their campaigns never even get off the ground without support from the media (a recent example: Arnold). Negative stories appearing in their hometown papers, can help to "un-elect" them too, while positive stories can insure their political survival and success, and allow them to flourish.
The media is a major controlling force of our political machinery. Functioning properly, and morally, it is supposed to be a pillar of our democracy. A free and open press is the life blood of democracy. Without it, no democracy can survive. With the demise of the Fairness Doctrine (surprise, its demise was engineered by the Republicans!), the media gained a free hand to lie, pervert, favor, manipulate, and control, our nation and its government. H-e-l-l-o Rush Limbaugh!
With so much media ownership and control currently in the hands of "pro Israel" acolytes and supporters, many of whom consider themselves otherwise liberal, I believe they are using their media powers to manipulate our government, and our political processes, to favor Israel. Right or wrong, their support never seems to waver either.
This blind, and unquestioning allegiance to Israel, has become one of the most damaging things that has ever happened to our nation. More damaging than 9/11. More damaging than Saddam or bin Laden, more damaging than G.W. Bush, more damaging than any wing-nut group of fundies. It is a
DEMOCRACY DESTROYER, the wrong hands, a scalpel, used to cut the heart from our Constitution, and steal our future.
Without a free, truthful, and unfettered media, there can be no United States of America. What these people have done (some, without realizing it), in abusing our laws, abusing the power given them through ownership and management, the lack of government oversight and control (which they fought for), and, in allowing an outside nation (Israel) to influence the fate of our nation, and our political processes, is so completely insidious, it is hard to comprehend.
So what can we do about it?
Disclaimer: First, let me state for the record, that I support a free and peaceful nation of Israel. I abhor and condemn terrorism, no matter who commits it. I believe the Israeli people have a right to live in peace and security, as do the Palestinians, and the rest of the world. I support a Palestinian state. I am appalled by the terrorism being conducted by Hamas and other groups against Israel. Likewise, I detest Ariel Sharon, and his radical right-wing government of war-mongers, who seek to establish apartheid in their part of the world. I have no ax to grind with the Israeli people, other than they have voted to keep Sharon and Likud in power, and the fact I resent the actions of their supporters in the U.S. media, along with their allies and puppets in our government. I am neither anti-Semitic (I am of part-Jewish heritage), nor anti-Israel. I am, pro-United States of America, and demand that all outside nations, no matter who they are, keep their damned noses out of our business, and our government.
Anyway, here's what we need to do restore our democracy, remove outside influence from the operation of our government, and regain control of our media:
1. First and foremost, we must insist that whoever will be the Democratic candidate for president, commit to restoring the "Fairness Doctrine", by executive order, as soon as they take office. This simple act, will immediately restore media freedom, fairness, and integrity. The value of this action, cannot be overstated, nor can its positive effects on our democracy, and our nation as a whole.
2. We must insist, starting right now, that our members of Congress cease support for Israel, until the Likud regime of Ariel Sharon is removed. We must tell them, in no uncertain terms, that supporting Israel, as long as G.W. Bush and the PNAC/Neocon cabal hold our government captive, is helping the Bush regime to destroy our country, is aiding them in their desire for wars, and is solidifying their fascist-like control of this nation. This is unacceptable.
Further, we must also demand to know why, as Democrats, they are supporting, and accepting support,from those who are working for the re-election(sic) of Bush/Cheney (ie: PNAC/AIPAC/JINSA/HF/AEI, and the nation of Israel). Though we already know the answers, we must demand they stop, now.
We must make them realize, that they are supporting Bush/PNAC/Israel when they vote for neocon "wish list" items, like sanctions on Syria, more money for Iraq, and further aid for Israel. We must demand they stop. Now. Their failure to do so, could well ensure the re-election (sic) of the Bush regime.
We must put them on notice, that as Democrats, and the supposed "opposition party", we cannot, and will not, stand for our representatives doing
anything that might help Bush retain his office. Let them know, that if they do not stop, they will be betraying this nation, and in essence, become traitors to our democratic republic, and that you will work for
their defeat at the polls.
Did I mention, that if we are unable to convince them to stop, there is a very good chance, Bush will be re-elected, and our country will continue its steady march into becoming a fascist nation, beset by chaos, wars, and terrorism?
3. After the election, we must take steps to break up
all media conglomerations. Only an independent media can guarantee a fully functioning democracy. Large media corporations, as we have seen time and again since 1999, will always put their profits and self-interests, even if those interests are personal (like support for Israel), ahead of the public good. We, the public, own the airwaves of this nation, and we have a right to demand democratic airwaves, and a free, unbiased press.
4. Public financing of *all* elections must become the law of the land. Cosmetic campaign reform will not insure the integrity of our elections and political processes.
5. We need to form an organization(s) to promote the return of the Fairness Doctrine, the break up of media conglomerations, and public financing for all elections. Perhaps this could be done within existing organizations like, or groups like TakeBackThe Media. One way or the other,
there are no more important issues for the survival of our nation, and they deserve a lot more discussion and focus than they are currently receiving.
In the meantime, we need to write letters, and, call our representatives. We need to do these things day in, and day out, demanding answers, and demanding that these representatives work to support, not destroy, our democracy. Do it now. Links to an assortment of articles on neocons, PNAC, voting records, AIPAC, and Israel:,3604,1047725,00.html,12858,1060030,00.html