The Carlyle Group
by Victor Thorn
A few weeks ago, James Baker publicly offered advice to the Bush Administration on how they should proceed with their war on Iraq. What he and every newscaster or commentator failed to mention was that Baker is now employed by the highly-influential Carlyle Group, which is the eleventh largest defense contractor in the United States. In essence, then, we have a man trying to influence public policy while privately employed by a company that has a vested interest in activating America’s War Machine.
If you’re not familiar with them, the Carlyle Group has become a powerhouse in affecting the direction in which our foreign policy takes, especially in regard to war. They accomplish this by hiring former government officials, then investing in private companies that are subject to government change (i.e. the military and telecommunications). Who, you may ask, do they employ to secure their government contracts? Well, check-out this list for starters:
Frank Carlucci –
Department of Health, Education and Welfare - 1970’s
Deputy Director, CIA – 1978-81
Deputy Secretary of Defense – 1981-82
National Security Director – 1987-89
George Bush -
CIA Director – 1976-77
Vice President of the United States – 1981-89
President of the United States – 1989-93
James Baker -
Chief of Staff – 1981-85
Secretary of the Treasury – 1985-89
Secretary of State – 1989-93
Dick Darman - Former White House Budget Chief
William Kennard - Former Head, FCC
Arthur Levitt - Former Head, SEC
John Major - Former Prime Minister, Britain
Fidel Ramos - Former Philippine President
Afsaneh Beschloss - Treasurer & Chief Investment Officer of the World Bank Anand Panyarachum – Former President, Thailand
Karl Otto Pohl - Former President, Bundesbank
Louis Vuitton - French Aerobus Company
Park Tae Joon - Former South Korean Prime Minister
Alwaleed Sin Talal bin Abdulaziz Alsaud – Saudi Arabian Prince
George Soros - New World Order/Bilderberg luminary & int’l financier
Fred Malek - George Bush Sr’s campaign manager
There is also one other “family” that invested in the Carlyle Group, but I’ll keep that as a surprise for next week’s article.
(no need to keep secret till next week - its Bin Laden family)
In the meantime, take a look at that list. It’s like walking onto a baseball field and having the New York Yankees behind you. The best team money can buy! And I didn’t even mention all of the players. Carlyle also employs the former chairman of BMW and Nestle, is interviewing former Clinton cabinet members (to insure that they have both sides of the aisle covered), plus once hired Colin Powell and AOL Time-Warner Chairman Steve Case to speak at a meeting at Washington D.C.’s Monarch House. Plus, if we look at James Baker again, we’ll find that he’s on the board of Azerbaijan International Oil Company, in which two U.S. oil companies hold 40% of the shares. Who are these two companies? The first is Amoco, who has on their payroll none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski (Trilateral Commission founder, National Security Advisor for the Carter Administration, Globalist supreme, and David Rockefeller’s puppet on a string). The second is Pennzoil, who has on their payroll Brent Scowcroft, former National Security Advisor under George Bush, Sr.
But the man that really brought it all together is Frank Carlucci, who holds directorships on such companies as General Dynamics, Westinghouse, the Rand Corporation, and Ashland Oil, plus sits on the board of directors of twelve other companies. Carlucci was also the college classmate of someone very closely related to our current administration’s War Machine – Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld! What relevance does this association have you may wonder? I think it is of great importance, for in February, 2001, Carlucci and Vice President Dick Cheney met with Donald Rumsfeld when the Carlyle Group had several billion-dollar defense projects under consideration. (If you haven’t guessed, the Carlyle Group fared quite well when all was said and done.) Do you still think these ties don’t matter? Philip Agee, in his book “On the Run” details all of Carlucci’s CIA connections, many of whom he hired (along with his Pentagon cronies) when he joined Carlyle in 1989. (And all of us know what influence the CIA has, don’t we?)
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If you ask me, we’ve entered very treacherous waters, all for the sake of making money off of warfare. Regardless of what they say, these men in the Carlyle Group epitomize a very nefarious form of evil via their actions.
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Next week: The Bush Family’s ongoing relationship with the Bin Laden Family
Written by Victor Thorn of 10/8/2002