this particular subset of humans, as with all others, can be reached through the us of the high emotive value words within their prime lexicon. Words have power, as we note from soundbites, as we note from politicians. Now, see the power to instantly affect emotions and motiviators merely by knowing which words are within a subjects' prime lexicon, and which, of those, have the high emotive values, both positive and negative.
We can easily experiment with ourselves...note the following is an experiment in 'feeling' which is to say, being aware of our reactions to words and phrases...
united we stand, divided we fall. = key concept, original language you're either with us, or against us. - same concept, now directed just to the audience you seek. See how it a) requires less 'work' or internal committment to action than the first wording, allowing the 'receiver' of the message to imagine themselves comfortingly in the midst of the 'crowd' and thus safe, and b) with little demands placed on them, unlike the first phrasing wherein there is the 'assumption' of work required of all. Further, the tone is aggressive, thus venting, and provides 'group weight' to the second part of the proposition, the threat.
Now, to reach the group you seek is do-able, merely fooling with some known value lexicons, the question comes down to value...do these people vote? do they vote in enough quantity to make the effort pay? if they do not vote, can they be motivated to vote? Answer those and the rest is easy.