Bend over Cali, honey! Hey, didn't take long. too bad none of us in our most logical construction of the democartic strategy ( vote no: status quo) ever bothered to go to Arnolds website and read his
ENERGY POLICY Me Included. It would have given us what we needed to beat him! I am kicking myself! It's all laid out right there for everyone to see:
http://www.joinarnold.com"Affirm the commitment to private power by dismantling the California Power Authority (CPA) and transferring to other agencies those functions (if any) determined to support a sustainable energy policy. Its current mission to build and operate publicly owned power plants is in direct competition with private industry and serves only to divert private investment in electricity generation and transmission away from the state.
Pass legislation that expedites prudency rulings on utility power purchase agreements (PPA) and limits the CPUC's ability to review such contracts after the fact.
Create a working wholesale power market based on the lessons learned from other states and the FERC standard market design. California is one of several states that adopted electricity restructuring. However, only California's restructuring caused severe price hikes and energy shortages. It is time to learn from other successful restructurings enacted by Texas, the New England states, and the Mid-Atlantic states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland. In addition, California should also look to the standard market design created by FERC. "
what this proposes is nothing less than to eliminate public oversight on future power supply contracts the state signs with energy companies and adopt a design plan for
deregulating California’s electricity market from other states that restructured its electricity markets, such as Texas, New Jersey and Maryland.
Schwarzenegger said he will fire dozens of energy advisors appointed by Davis to various posts in favor of his own energy team, one that “respects free-market economics.”
Finally, an aide, speaking about the 9 billion dollar suit against Texas energy companies said , almost in a perverse acknowlegement of Greg Palasts Arnold-Enron column
“It’s time to settle and move on,” a top aide to Schwarzenegger said. “We don’t want to inherit litigation.”