Why did Louis Freeh's FBI spend so much
money and manpower investigating Clinton's sex life THAN
TWA Flight 800 and the OK City massacre COMBINED ??
Freeh is reported to have had a great hatred for President Clinton.
http://www.americanpolitics.com/20010917Bartcop.htmlexcerpt -
The GOP had their hero, Louis Freeh, chasing Clinton's sex life with more agents than investigated TWA Flight 800 and the OK City massacre COMBINED.
Think about that sentence for a minute.
The GOP swarmed the state of Arkansas trying to find some woman who would give them some juicy details about what was behind Clinton's zipper. Christ, they chased Liz Gracen to Japan, using your tax dollars and several trained agents who could've been looking into bin Laden's activities, instead.
Meanwhile, terrorists were burrowing into our society, trying to fit in.
Maybe if Louis Freeh had spent more time doing his goddamn job pursuing terrorists instead of concentrating so much on Clinton's zipper, they might have found something.
How many tens of millions did the FBI spend investigating Clinton?
And what if all that time and all that money had been spent searching for terrorists, instead?
And take a look at this site devoted to memory of John :