I really hope this is internecine warfare...
I don't like to paste freeper thoughts in DU but they are seriously worried about the backlash of Rush's revelations on his drug use. And they often point to DU as using the material as a 'weapon' in the future. They are getting worked up about this. Confused.
Let's look at a few - I don't really want to have a rambling intro. Let's let the Freepers speak for themselves.
Be prepared to shower, if you dare venture.
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/999412/posts--------- Kaboom...
I hope none of these critics ever finds himself in need of strong painkillers just to get through the day. It must be awful.
Before trying the painkillers "just to get through the day", he could lay off playing golf a few times a week----------- Golfing is easy when you are stoned
Rush Limbaugh became drug-addicted because his physician gave him the drugs and because he was being physically tortured day and night by chronic back pain.
I see, now it is the doctors fault.
BTW, rush did seem like he was tortured day and night by chronic back pain while swinging that jumbo driver on the golf course. Give me a break.-------- IT WAS THE THE DEAD'S FAULT
Jerry Garcia became drug-addicted because he was looking for fun.
Rush Limbaugh became drug-addicted because his physician gave him the drugs and because he was being physically tortured day and night by chronic back pain.
Liberals see no difference here, of course. Which tells you all you need to know about liberals.
"And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."
From the very first moment Rush thought about buying ANY drugs under the table he knew he was doing wrong. He used an employee to make his connection. He broke the law, folks.
Time after time I have witnessed the verbal onslaught visited upon others by Freepers. How many of you were merciless in your judgement of Andrea Yates? Maybe you thought the group at Waco deserved what they got, too. Well, now it's Rush Limbaugh, the idol of the right wing.
Rush had many choices he might have made that were better than the decisions he did make. Rush is rich and has a fine mind, but didn't choose to get the help that would have been so available to a man in his position. Rush chose not to have more surgery. He chose to use unlawful methods to feed his habit. Rush lost his hearing, possibly because of the drugs he abused. He let us think he was a hero of some sort for being so brave in the face of such suffering.
I wish Rush the best and hope he can recover from his drug habit. It would be nice if his admirers wouldn't sweep his wrong-doing aside in their rush to spread encouragement and forgiveness. He knew better all along, and we all know it.
------------ WELL THAT'S GOOD TO KNOW.
I sent Rush an E mail today expressing my support for him. His E mail address is rush@eibnet.com
OK. I've had persistent back pain now for 42 years. Sometimes it's crippling, but most of the time it's just seriously annoying. During those 42 years, doctors have offered to prescibe opiates for that pain, but I have always refused, knowing the addictive nature of those drugs.
I use strong anti-inflammatory drugs, which are not addictive. They don't get rid of all the pain, but they make life livable.
Now, do I get to comment?
"'When you strip it all away," Rush had said of the Grateful Dead guitarist, "Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks."
And what is false about that statement?
But, without the drug culture, would there have ever been Deadheads?
And, without Deadheads, would the term "Dittohead" have ever been coined?-------------- THANKS HANK, GLAD YOU ADMITTED IT.
We are ALL hypocrites----AppyPappy
Admissions of Guilt
Beware the man who makes broad moral judgments.
The man who says, "everyone lies sometimes," is a liar.
The man who says, "everyone steals sometimes," is a thief.
The man who says, "everyone cheats sometimes," is a cheat.
From: From the Autonomist's Notebook
It is a trait of human nature that those with moral defects just cannot believe everyone does not suffer form the same flaws they do. The theif believes everyone steals sometimes, the liar believes everyone bends the truth, and the hypocrite believes everyone else is just as phoney as they are.
When someone says, "everyone is a hypocrite," it says nothing about anyone else, but it sure says something about the one that said it.
---------- NICE RETORT
According to Rush the damage to his discs is so great that he is in excrutiating pain 24/7
According to Rush, in this July 2003 interview, he golfed 3 times that week. Pretty darn good for 24/7 pain.
This may also be of interest (from the interview):----------- OH YEA, IT'S A MENTAL GAME.
Question: What was the big bother, was it the number of people watching you?
RUSH LIMBAUGH: You know, I've played the Bob Hope three times and the AT&T twice. It wasn't bad. It's just the game is mental. Once you've mastered the physical aspect, not mastered, but 90 percent of the game, all of the other things being equal is mental, and for some reason, I just was not able to execute my swing today.
And I think it had nothing to do with physical characteristics. There's nothing wrong with me. I think it's just for whatever reason, maybe I was tired, I have no idea what it was. And that's the thing that frustrates me about the game, I'll go play well two rounds, come out and do today and not really know why I did poorly. But that's what makes me an amateur.--------------- UMMM... OKAY.
Once again the liberal media takes what rush says out of contex. He was refering to "illegal drug use" (crack, coke, smack) which is the driving force behind the gang violence that is rampant in our cities. You'll hear this quote over and over by the liberal media in their zeal to attack rush and picture him as a hypocrite. The media"s hate of anything conservative is what drives this character assination of Rush.
That's some fancy pretzel you've twisted yourself into trying to avoid the appearance of a hypocrite.------------- BUT HE WILL BE SAVED!!!!
Not a bit. See, I have read Matthew 23 and I do not believe in the interpretation that he/she does. Therefor there is no further use in quoting the Bible when we don't interpret the same way.
My sole purpose on this thread was to understand what folks meant by "we are all hypocrites" when clearly the poster claiming this did not have the facts to back it up.
If you wish to quote the Bible, knock yourself out. You don't need my permission. If you took my request as asking you or anyone to not believe in your interpretation of the Bible, that was not my intent.
----------- I SNIFF A DU'ER HERE
Who would have ever thought casual, illegal drug use would ever be endorsed by freepers.
Some are going to end up with sore backs themselves, from doing flip-flops all over this issue.
How amusing and how revealing.------------- IT WAS CLINTON'S FAULT
To the person who wrote the article. Wow, talk about kicking a man while he's down. I thought you liberals were "compassionate." Just for the record. Rush said that he "takes full responsibility" for his actions and behavior. He knows he has a problem and thus will also take what ever punishment he deserves and gets. That's the difference between Bill Clinton and Rush. Rush, not taking anyone for a fool, said he inhaled. While Clinton, taking everyone for a fool, said he didn't -- thus becoming a FOOL. An eternal fool.
As for me and my "pain, disappointment and insecurity" -- NONE at all. I admire this man more now than before. It takes a real man to admit his mistake. He is more human now than ever. That will make him even more dangerous for you liberals. Just read what he said on the radio yesterday, Read and tremble:
"I refuse to let anyone think I am doing something great here, when there are people you never hear about, who face long odds and never resort to such escapes. They are the role models. I am no victim and do not portray myself as such. I take full responsibility for my problem."
Royston, Ga.
---------- THE THREAT
Get ready. This is how the left thinks they will destroy Limbaugh. They are going to call him a hypocrite and they will try to pressure his sponsors. When he does come back on the air and Limbaugh goes in the attack mode on the Left, the Left is going to just say he has a credibility issue.
It won't work and conservatives are going to be very angry if they keep trying to destroy Limbaugh. Remember Limbaugh is not an overnight success. He has been ingrained into conservatives ideology. Rats, if you thought California was bad, just keep it up. You have not seen anything yet.
guess this is an example of liberals forcing their morals on the rest of us. I thought they didn't like that.
Hypocrites.----------- LIBERAL MEDIA ONCE AGAIN
Once again the
liberal media takes what rush says out of contex. He was refering to "illegal drug use" (crack, coke, smack) which is the driving force behind the gang violence that is rampant in our cities. You'll hear this quote over and over by the liberal media in their zeal to attack rush and picture him as a hypocrite. The media"s hate of anything conservative is what drives this character assination of Rush.
---------- LET'S HOPE SO...
"What this says to me," he told his listeners that day, "is that
too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."
If anyone can work his way out of this, Rush can.----------- OKAY, IT'S CLINTOON'S FAULT AGAIN - TWICE IN ONE POST!
Here's the problem - all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. If someone who talks about and promotes morality needs to live a flawless life, then NO ONE is qualified to discuss or promote morality.
And this is the goal of the anti-Rush & Bennett crowd. Clintoon excused their moral failing; Rush and Bennett challenged them. So when both turned out to be flawed human beings, the Left's reaction is to say, "They had no business promoting good behavior!"
By labeling Rush a hypocrite, they feel free to totally ignore the fact that they are NOT EVEN TRYING.
And that is the difference between Rush &
Clintoon. Rush tries and sometimes fails. Clintoon has never made the attempt - so the Left loves
Clintoon and hates Rush.
On the other hand, those of us who try and sometimes fail admire Rush for trying.
The Left is trying to destroy conservatism by destroying Limbaugh, because
they believe that we are like them, and that we need someone to tell us what to think. But Rush's biggest contribution was exposing the follies of the Left and doing it in a humorous way. Because Rush was a leader, we now have many other people who can do that, plus we have the internet. To top it all off, I don't think this is going to hurt Rush all this much.
The Left is desperately clinging to life as the self absorbed knobs who gave them strength the past four decades are getting old and dying off.---------