Couldn’t have to do anything with money, could it?
I posted some of what's below on another thread, but it had something to do with Nazi's so maybe others want to dismiss it because of that, I don't know. The problem I have is some say it linked with RENSE which gets bad credibility rating because of stories of Flying saucers on the site.
I am trying to link up the connections with I have got this stuff below so far, but need a some more sources for viability, maybe some one wants to help with the story? I figured I could post it here since their might be a few guru’s on this looking at this thread!!
I found this link to the reporter I heard speak on the radio Saturday, she seems to have done some homework too. I found it through that other link of votescam2002, lots of stuff there too (maybe it’s old news, I don’t know, I am no expert) SECRETIVE WORLD OF VOTING MACHINES
privatizing the vote - sabotaging the system - around the world
by Lynn Landes
Over the last 100 years Americans have slowly, but surely, surrendered our public voting process to private corporations and their voting machines... in violation of our constitutional right to fair, open, and observable elections. The price paid has been the legitimacy of our democracy. And countries around the world are following our lead. Today, two Republican dominated corporations, Election Systems and Software (ES&S) and Diebold Voting Systems, control about 80% of the electronic vote count in the U.S., while dozens of both foreign and domestic companies have jumped into the vote counting business. Our national security is at stake. Anyone can own and operate a company that counts Americans' votes - there are no restrictions. Meanwhile, the long history of election upsets due to voting machine "glitches", that overwhelmingly favor Republican candidates, continues to grow. Where is the outrage? Where's the concern? Where are the Democrats? Citizens have a constitutional right to a election process that is transparent and observable. The use of a voting machine prevents that. Voting machines are easy to rig and impossible to monitor. It's a Trojan Horse, a Pandora's Box, an accident waiting to happen... all rolled into one. Poll watchers have nothing to watch. Federal Observers have nothing to observe. And that makes the Voting Rights Act unenforceable. Congress has failed to safeguard our right to vote. Instead, they passed the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) that give billions of dollars to the states to purchase voting machines, while failing to require any mandatory safeguards or standards. Meanwhile, misguided voting rights groups are suing for the right to use the latest most sophisticated computerized voting equipment which are the easiest to rig by the fewest number of technicians. In the last several decades the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer. This is not a formula for a conservative groundswell. Yet, both conservative Democrats and Republicans have long enjoyed success at the polls. Have elections in America been rigged to shift power to right wing candidates from both parties, despite the public's support of left-wing causes such as universal health care, quality public education, a clean environment, and a living wage? In the secretive world of voting machines... anything is possible.
WHAT TO DO? There are two things I can recommend: 1) advocate for a return to only a paper ballot and local hand-count, see Canada's excellent voting system, and 2) file suit in federal court against the Department of Justice for failing to enforce the Voting Rights Act, see Constitutional & Legal Issues.
Also see:
Landes voting articles
News from other reporters
Links to voting experts
For a good summary, even though it's somewhat dated, read Pandora's Black Box (1996) by Philip M. O’Halloran of Relevance
For more detailed information: notes, links, etc. These webpages are frequently updated.
• Overview
• Constitutional & Legal Issues (this is the most important aspect of voting)
• Ownership & Organization Information / global promotion of voting technology
• Technical Reports - 'voluntary' technical standards, no government oversight, etc. / includes list of Voting Machine Errors
• Voter News Service (VNS) - polling
(snip) Link Confirmed (J. Buchanan/New Hampshire Gazette)
The vanquished are often footnotes
How are they all connected, somebody asks. Follow the money. Here is a nice long one that connects a lot of them also. A new name to add to my list for people to look for is the "Rothschilds"
1895 - Rothschilds begin to finance American business. They do so primarily
through the Warburgs of Germany who were partners of Kuhn, Loeb and Company
of New York. Both Warburgs and Kuhn/Loeb would be principals of Federal
Reserve Board. Rothschilds would finance Rockefeller's Standard Oil,
Carnegie Steel, and the Harriman Railroad system.
1896 - McKinley elected president. Marcus Alonzo Hannah from Standard Oil
of Ohio raised 16 Million dollars for campaign, otherwise unheard of until
1922 - Benito Mussolini takes power in Italy, furthers Fascism. Pope Pius
XI takes over. Tries more middle of the road approach to dealing with
Soviet Union, but hopes for collapse of revolution so Vatican can regain
power in Eastern Europe. Federal Narcotics Control Board formed. Military
intelligence targets organizations like the International Workers, (IWW),
World War Veterans, Communist Party, American Federation of Labor, and
others for anti-subversion surveillance and action. Efforts are possibly
influenced by the National Association of Manufacturers, a known fascist
anti-labor organization. W. Avrell Harriman of the firm W.A. Harriman & Co.
meets with Fritz Thyssen, German industrialist to discuss setting up a bank
for Thyssen in America. By Personal agreement between Harriman and Thyssen,
the plan for Union Banking Corp. Was agreed to. Sometime before 1924 a
Thyssen representative, H.J. Kouwehnoven came to the United States for
talks with Harriman. By 1924, Union Banking was a quiet part of W.A.
Harriman & Co., who would be joint owner and manager of Thyssen's banking
business outside of Germany.
I listened to another story on the radio Saturday morning on how the ROTHSCHILDS own voting machine manufactures in europe and have also have a lot of money into the few others. Also a few stories about how Arnold boasted about he was going to be the governor of California way before it ever got put in the mill and such. These are just rumors but it would fit the MO of Arnold and the ROTHSCHILDS are real people.
Does anyone have any stuff on ROTHSCHILDS and voting machines?
And from Tulsa is where I think they picked up the embryo of Enron
I thought I heard something about where some of the double dealers picked up their tactics with natural gas and trading with some natural gas pipeline company
Anyway to answer another question I had I found this stuff
Rothschilds Famliy Part Owner
Largest Voting Machine Company
Posted at SF
The Rothschilds are part owners of voting machines.
These infamous international private bankers are only by chance involved in this?
Just like they were by chance involved in Enron? Charter Oak Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild Realty Inc., which is an affiliate of Rothschild, Inc.
Rothschilds Inc is the same as The Rothschild family bank
Take a look at this court document - Here is the qoute:
Q. What is your occupation?
A. I am a Senior Managing Director at Rothschild Inc., the United States affiliate of the 200 year old worldwide Rothschild Group.
Want to know more about the Rothschilds?
See their website About Election Systems & Software
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: What does ES&S do?
A: Election Systems & Software, Inc. (ES&S) is the world's largest election management company. Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska with over 400 employees located in eight regional U.S. offices and agents on five continents, ES&S has supported more than 40,000 elections worldwide for over 30 years. In the 2000 U.S. elections alone, ES&S systems counted over 100 million ballots. ES&S' hardware and software solutions support the entire election process to include voter registration, ballot production, voting, vote tabulation, and results reporting.
Electronic Ballot, Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Voting Systems - The iVotronic, Votronic® and V-2000 are decentralized touch screen / touch-panel voting systems that count and tabulate electronic ballots at the polling place, as votes are cast.
They were also behind the whole Enron debacle.
Now they will be in charge of the software that runs the voting machines.
The other owners have similar NWO backgrounds as well.
Some related article links -
How will we survive without Lord Fixit?,00.html(snip)
Here is a nice little link with a thousand more attached to it.
It's all here, too much to read in one day. I suggest you get a cup of coffee and start out by reading Votescam. Votescam lays out the blueprint that everything else is essentially built apon. Save for future reference and send out to everyone!
"The concept is clear, simple, and it works. Computerized voting gives the power of selection, without fear of discovery, to whomever controls the computer," - James & Kenneth Collier, authors of VoteScam (1992)
"There are no documented cases of electronic vote-rigging occurring anywhere in the country, but only because it's nearly impossible to prove."
"Hand counting is the gold standard against which we check machine counting efficiency." - James Baker
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything."
- Joseph Stalin
"I think it is safe to say at this point that the election of 2002 lacks any credibility at this point. Too many "mistakes", too many malfunctions, too many missing documents, too many dirty tricks, all combine to destroy the illusion that the results to be announced have any basis other than in wishful thinking by those in control of the vote counting process. Certainly the sudden abandonment of the VNS exit polls suggests that the actual polling results are so far out of alignment with the desired results that the media predictions had to be shut down."