Waivering between...it`s too late...it`s not too late...for my country`s redemption, I`m hoping with all my heart that Fitzgerald tempers this runaway corruption with a few solid indictments.
I`ve seen it before in real life, bullies being brought to their quivering knees at the first sight of meaningful opposition. What I want to hear today is...SPLAT...as a few of these madmen come nose to nose with Fitzgerald`s stop sign. Maybe then Cheney won`t even be able to force out a "Grrrr" from between his clenched teeth and maybe then Bush`s fake hero swagger will be reduced to a slump-shouldered crawl.
These SOBs have about ruined us and have sullied any hopes we had for international comity with their freak shows. The havoc they`ve inflicted on everything they`ve touched is frightening.
Let`s hope today is a wake up call to American citizens, the feckless media and the "leaders" in Congress who should hang their heads in shame.