Edited on Sun Oct-12-03 10:23 AM by Throckmorton
1. Mandatory Voting
No, I believe in freedom of expression. If the exercise of which does not infringe on other individuals right to free expression. That being the case, not voting is free expression.
2. Legalize, tax and regulate drugs.
Sure, but tax the hell out of them, say a 300% surcharge on all non-medically necessary drugs, this should extend to tobacco and alcohol too. There could be exemptions for small amounts of each that the individual produces, provided they do not profit from there manufacture. The taxes would go into a lock box to pay for treatment programs, enforcement, and awareness education.
3. No gun control. Support the Second Amendment Right to bear Arms.
Ok, fine, it’s the third rail anyway.
4. Legalize, tax and regulate prostitution.
Ok, fine, its already legal if you can affort to hide it as entertainment expense.
5. Death penalty for white collar criminals.
No death penalty for anything. Also abolish 3 strikes laws and minimum sentencing laws. Make it illegal to try a juvenile under 17 as an adult. While we are at it, allow 17 year olds to petition the Probate Courts for Adult status.
6. National single payer health care for all.
Yes, with a sliding co-pay and deductible based on income.
7. Full civil rights for gays.
How about full civil rights period.
8. Living Wage for all.
A minimum wage that is corrected for inflation based on the 1968 $1.10 minimum, that would make today’s minimum wage about $13.00 per hour.
9. All children who work hard and do well in school should have a right to the college education that they have earned free from crushing debt.
College tuition assistance based on student income and grade point average, with a sliding scale from 100% assistance to 0% assistance. All student incomes, from all sources, would be used to calculate this income, trust funds, scholarships, gifts from all sources, college savings plans, lottery winnings, etc. Students with no income and 4.0 GPA’s, free ride, students with multi-million dollar trust funds and gentleman’s ‘C’s, pay the full freight.
10. All Americans have a right to a job.
Don’t see how this is possible, but I do believe that all American's have a right to basic food, shelter, education, health care, clothing, and transportation.