I watched the 50+ responses to my last thread
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=495392and a possible answer dawned on me as to maybe why this state of rotteness exists.
My opinion is that it is probably because many “liberals” do not even bother to read what is written. They shoot off their words before chewing the cud. From many of the responses I found that people have come to conclusions based on “their” predetermined opinions. Hardly a liberal approach!! It also appears that many in the DU forum cannot follow the “English” language.
1. I am not a Finn. I have a Finnish wife and Finnish children as well as British and Indian children. We are a multinational, multicultural family. I have many relatives in America and many American relatives. I owe no loyalty to any one countr, not America, not Finland, not Britain, not Europe, not India, not.....
2. I am not a Scandinavian.
3. I am not an European.
4. I am not white.
5. I am not a Muslim.
6. I do not belong to any organised Christian Church.
7. I believe in the Christian philosophy of “Love they neighbour as thyself” and also the philosophy of many religions “One must not kill.”
8. I did not ask at anytime or for anyone to pray that Americans were killed in any part of the world. I stated a fact that many are praying for this because of the terror being rained by Americans troops on innocent human beings.
9. I praised the liberal movement and all its components in my very first paragraph and then asked why it was so ineffective. (I have been featured many times for my opinions on Mike Malloy, Peter Werbe, Nancy Skinner as well as Doug Stephan Talk Shows and even as late as last Friday on the Curtis Ellis Talk Show regarding his discussion with Paul Krugman.)
10. I have asked that why despite this “liberal” movement the “Archie Bunker” syndrome had become the mainstream of American life? There is no other explanation for the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger last week.
11. Some said how great the American democratic system was - hardly answering the question as to how it was possible that if it was such a “great system” the 2000 Presidential election could be stolen by the combined effort of this "great democratic system" as well as the "incorruptible American judiciary".
12. How many of you DUers wrote to Al Gore NOT to give up his bid to get the Presidency in 2000? My wife and I from Finland sent an email to him not to yield as we already saw then what lay ahead if he yielded.
13. I did not and do not support Saddam Hussain but I also not support the American philosophy of preemptive invasion.
14. I certainly have derided the “compliant Democrats” who gave the support to the Bush Crime family to put your country in the state it was today. Bush and his cohorts could never have done that without their implicit and complicit support.
15. I am a person who follows the Gandhian philosophy and I do not support violence. That would have been evident if you had read my reference page on the “Correspondence with an educated American”.
16. Although I am not deeply interested in conspiracy theories - maybe some of you would be well advised to visit the website
http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/pearl.htmlwhich would even put to shame to the depth of the conspiracy theory associated with 9/11. And the possible signifance of the American involvement in World War II and the development of the the development and use of weapons of mass destruction as the atom bombs which hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki may become evident.
17. As regards my staying away from America - knowing the tentacles of the Patriot Act which only came into being BECAUSE of the support of the Democrats, and knowing the colour of my skin as well as my opinions about the Bush Crime family, that advise I will certainly follow as I would be arrested and incarcerated the minute I landed in "great democratic" America. Some Finns who have landed in America have been arrested, ill-treated and deported for far less crimes than mine (refer an earlier post of mine on the DU forum) in the last year!!
18. Some DUers talk about America’s economic greatness when it has been and is built on the long existing Bush Crime Family and PANC philosophy of stealing the world’s resources and especially oil for use by Americans at dollar a gallon while we in the rest of the world (including the developing countries) have to pay US $5 per gallon.
19. And even after that the American arrogance does not consider what damage their use of energy at this rate is destroying the environment of the world!!
20. Where would America and Americans be if you had to pay the same price as the rest of us and also pay for cleaning up the environment at the parallel rate at which it you are consuming the world fossil fuels.
21. Would I be wrong to think that then many of you may even be clamouring your loud support for Bush and his cohorts and PANC to keep your petrol price at a dollar a gallon?
22. If some of you would delve a bit deeper - you would find that my wife and I are the authors of the book “Handbook for Survival in Finland” a highly critical look at the Finnish system.
23. Nothing is totally good or totally bad in any part of the world. Finland presently comes out on top of the countries as the least corrupt country in the corruption league (America stands as 14), whereas we claim that Finland is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, in some instances putting shame on the country at the bottom of the table, 130. Bangladesh!!.
My fervent plea to all of you American “liberals” is that you pull your act together and read what Arundhati Roy asked you to do. That was the most important part of the message in my last post.
If you do not act together and in harmony, and pull America out of the tailspin it is in, then the world is doomed to Armegeddon.
May I kindly ask you to please read this message and not "attempt to kill" this messenger.
Jacob Matthan
Oulu, Finland