I happen to know Rachel's brother, and he says Rachel's planning to go on tour with Tucker's minivan. :D
Tucker said on his show that if Libby was indicted, he'd give Rachel Maddow his car. She
called him on it on Tuesday when reports were indicating indictments were coming:
MADDOW: Wait, doesn‘t that mean that I get your car? Didn‘t you tell me you‘d give me your car...
CARLSON: I‘m not sure. You know, we‘re going to have to check the tape on that, but, before I give away my beloved and quite old car, let me just say, if that is true, I will be impressed... not because I think that it‘s obvious anyone broke that law, but that is a serious crime. That‘s a crime at the heart of all this. It‘s a question over the violation of that crime that started this investigation in the first place.
And I think that‘s a perfectly valid reason to charge someone, believing that he violated that law. So I will have much more respect for Patrick Fitzgerald if, in fact, he can prove that someone broke that law.
MADDOW: And I will have a new minivan, which is neither here nor there, but...
CARLSON: First of all, just for the record, I‘ve never owned a minivan. I don‘t plan on owning a minivan. That‘s the lowest thing you could say.
Okay, Tucker, pay up!!
edited to fix quote (the last comment is mine)