8:11 AM by Scoobie Davis
Exclusive--Source: "He did it."
I have received confirmation from a source either inside or close to the Palm Beach County state attorney's office investigation that there is ample evidence that the allegations by Wilma Cline and others that radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh had bought massive amounts of prescription drugs illegally over a four-year period.
Notes: I was reluctant to post this information because I didn't want to hinder the investigation by reporting it. However, after some though and research, I concluded that it would be appropriate; one thing that particularly motivated me was the realization that Limbaugh would probably not be prosecuted. Also, I did some further investigation to confirm the credibility of the source.
After initially being contacted indirectly, I had a correspondence with the source using a newly-created email address at various public internet providers. This led to a telephone interview in which I was not allowed to record the conversation (It was just as well because I was using a pay phone). The source told me the evidence Cline provided was credible and massive (one quote I jotted down during the conversation was: "He
did it"). I asked the source why he/she came out and was giving me this information; his/her response was that there was an overwhelming feeling of disgust by the source and many people close to the investigation. I asked why the source chose to talk to me, the source said that he/she found me through a keyword search and liked the fact that I was taking Limbaugh to task. The source refused to give any information about possible criminal indictments. Limbaugh refused comment after I contacted him at and (there is some question as to whether Limbaugh uses these email addresses anymore).