I, like many others, will vote for the Democratic presidential candidate next November. But my anger about the Bush administration's contemptible policies and frighteningly extreme agenda has motivated me to do more to ensure that the United States presidency returns to Democratic control. In addition to contributing to this and other discussion boards, I regularly donate what little money I can afford to the Democratic National Committee. And most recently, I started volunteering my time (less than 2 hours per week) to a progressive, publicly funded radio news program called "Democracy Now!"
I have found great satisfaction from supporting the people and institutions who help to strengthen American society by standing up to Washington's conservative bullies and the corporate interests who finance them. And, although my efforts are small compared to those of many other dedicated Democrats, I know that what I do brings our dreams that much closer to becoming reality.
If you haven't already done so, please help to free our country from the grip of conservative Republicans who represent only the interests of America's wealthiest. Contribute some of your time or dollars to the Democratic organization of your choice.
Every little bit helps, and it's great anger management.