Just wondering, he says some very interesting things. Check it out at:
"The current Administration has taken our country badly off-course," General Clark said. "It is violating longstanding values and principles of American democracy - with dire consequences for our security. Its treatment of our allies; its headlong rush to war; its poor planning of post-conflict Iraq is costing America hundreds of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars. And its handling of intelligence-and its retaliation against its critics - may have been criminal.
"The possible manipulation of intelligence should be investigated by an outside body of experts with impeccable credentials and unquestioned integrity. The possible leak of the name of a covert CIA operative should be thoroughly and comprehensively investigated by an independent counsel." General Clark also said that the country faces a crisis at home and abroad because of the Administration's irresponsible approach.
"I am running for President of the United States because I believe the country is in a crisis," he said. "We're in a crisis at home with rising poverty, dropping incomes, exploding numbers of uninsured, the worst job losses in 70 years, and the worst budget deficit in American history.
"We are in a crisis in our relations with the rest of the world," the General added. "Today at a time when we need friends and allies more than ever, resentment of America has never been higher, and that makes every American less safe at home and abroad."