You are just now figuring this out?
Sorry for my threadjacking, in advance ;)
OF COURSE, that is exactly what is happening over there. These clowns in power want to privatize and deregulate the WORLD. They absolutely HATE the fact that ANY government ANYWHERE 'owns' ANY means of 'production' (which in the loose sense I mean it, would include things like National Parks, Schools, Roads, or any other infrastructure).
You see, in a very general sense, if anything is 'publically owned', then it belongs to 'everyone'. This very notion is anathema to conservatives. They feel this phenomenon is a sign of 'communism'.
I've often said that the difference between 'left' and 'right' comes down to a very basic concept. The 'right' glorifies the concept of 'competition', whereas the 'left' unites behind the concept of 'cooperation'.
As you look through our biological heritage and observe the natural world/order (what's left of it these days), one can see a tendency of more advanced animals and insects towards cooperation, which typically benefits the species, and away from competition, which often benefits only select individuals (although it certainly has it's place, particularly in the lower species, and to the process of evolution as a whole).
If you look at, say, Chimpanzee's, you can see that, just as is the case with humans, the deeply engrained instinct to compete and 'take for oneself' (via billions of years of evolution wherein competition reigned absolutely supreme in terms of the 'order of things') is often at odds with a somewhat fledgling, newfound instinct to cooperate and 'contribute to the social group or species'.
In short, the natural urge to cooperate is a less ubiquitous, newer, and less entrenched trait than is competition, which is truly universal in the natural world.
The difference, therefore, between 'us' and 'them' is that we have inherited a stronger cooperation gene, and they have inherited a stronger competition gene. Considering that cooperation is scientifically accepted as a sign of how 'evolved' a species is, I don't think I have to spell out which of the two 'sides' is more primitive in essence...
Deep down I think the Cons are moderately aware of the fact that their positions bespeak a slavish devotion to a certain part of their animal heritage, and they try to over-compensate by rejecting other aspects of their natural biology by condemning things like the sex drive...
Of course, that tendency might also be explained by a different means, and still fall under my 'primitive competition' theory: Only the 'superior' males are 'supposed' to be 'breeding'. People who just screw each other, like, for fun, are violating a certain 'natural order' wherein only 'they' (the Cons inevitably think 'they and their kind' are 'superior') are deserving of the favors of the species' females. Since most of them are big dorks, unappealing to females due to their testosterone-fueled obsession to fight 'cooperation' (females I believe generally have a stronger innate desire to cooperate for the good of the species, due to their role as mothers), they can't stand it to know that 'inferiors' are 'getting some' when they themselves are getting NONE. When they see this happening, it touches a very sensitive nerve. Their tenuous grasp on their claim of 'superiority' is undermined by the fact that people OTHER than they are getting laid, you see...
Sorry for the tangent...
Yes, we the taxpayers are getting jacked up and ripped off, quite purposefully, in the Iraq deal. Why do you think * doesn't want any Congressional oversight re: how the 'reconstruction' money is to be allocated? He wants us to just HAND IT OVER to the Executive Branch, to be divvied in whichever way benefits the GOP in general, and the BFEE/CFEE (cheney) in particular, whereever possible...