Kucinich and the Pro-Life / Pro-Choice switch
diamondsoul (331 posts) Sun Aug-24-03 05:03 PM
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Kucinich and the PL- PC switch
Since this thing just keeps coming up and since someone else posted a thread showing when the Draft Kucinich movement began, adding still more credence to my argument, here we go.
Recently this issue was brought up yet again at Delphi Forums. The poster doesn't ravel much outside her own forum as far as I can tell so I didn't hesitiate to clarify things for her. I did so by going to C-span.org and looking up votes on abortion issues during 2001 and 2002. Here's what I found-
In Sept of 2001, there was a vote on an abortion related issue, the last mention of it I find in the 107th Congress, First Session.
"Rejected: Sanchez amendment No. 4 printed in House Report 107-218 that sought to allow abortions to be performed in overseas military hospitals (rejected by a recorded vote of 199 ayes to 217 noes, Roll No. 357)."
Kucinich opposed the Sanchez amendment. Shortly after this vote would have been the winter recess of Congress. In looking again, through the Library of Congress to check the session dates, I see that the House didn't adjourn for winter break until Dec.20th, 2001, reconvening Jan.23rd for the Second Session.
Ok, so now we're looking at when the next vote on an abortion related piece of legislation comes up. We know there wasn't anything after Sept. of 2001, and my search shows the next vote coming in March of 2002. At this point Kucinich appears to have revised his political position on abortion because he voted in favor of that legislation-
"Rejected the Jackson-Lee of Texas motion that sought to recommit the bill to the Committee on the Judiciary with instructions to report it back to the House forthwith with an amendment that exempts an adult sibling, grandparent, minister, rabbi, pastor, priest, or other religious leader from provisions prohibiting the transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion by a yea-and-nay vote of 173 yeas to 246 nays, Roll No. 96."
In the time span between these two votes, 6 months time have passed, no abortion related legislation has crossed the floor of the House, and Kucinich has had numerous opporunities to speak to women close to him and most likely plenty of others on the subject. Given that my own change of heart took considerably less time, like about three weeks, and Kucinich had a full 6 months with which to ruminate on the subject, plus plenty of input from other sources, I'd love for someone to explain what is so suspicious about it.
Taking all of this, along with the fact that Kucinich wasn't even mentioned as a Presidential candidate until AFTER his Prayer for America speech which took place at the onset of the war earlier this year, I'd have to say the assertion that his change of positions was a political ploy is wholly unfounded and unsupportable.