I had the fun today of dealing with a very confused Dittohead. For years I'd hear this guy run his mouth as an instant expert on every topic...usually ending up with the liberals being the problem. Thus yesterday was a pleasure.
His take, no surprise, was this drug thing was a set-up...a liberal conspiracy to shut up the "voice of truth". I couldn't resist. I mentioned, very politely, that Rush said he was addicted to Oxycontin...and it was reported he was taking 40 pills a day. The guy stopped in his tracks (always a wonderful thing) and then said how you can't trust the media on this. First I asked if Rush denied the charges that he used drugs? Mr. Ditto again went quiet. Then I asked him if he knew what Oxycontin was? For once, Mr. Expert didn't know. I explained it's from the morphine/heroin family. Mr. Dittohead didn't need an RNC shill to interpret...the word heroin was enough to keep him listening.
It was great, for once, to see this usually self-assured dittohead in total confusion. Next he went for the "Rush had a bad back and needed the pain killers routine". That was easy to shut down...just asking him if that was the case why didn't he have the prescription of a licensed physician, not your maid (purposely using that name for easier conversion to Dittoese). Then I brought up the 40 pills a day...and he said Rush must have been in constant pain...or I interupted, had one hell of a tolerance to the drugs. Dittohead went silent again. I then went for the killer...I asked him to figure how long it would take to develop that kind of resistance to such a powerful drug. He said, when the look of a kid who found out Santa Claus was really Hannukah Harry, he said "well it couldn't have been more than 5 years"...I had to laugh. There was this look of confusion in his face for a while, before he quickly remembered of a cellphone call he had to make.
Kharma is a wonderful thing...