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'The war on truth: The Bush circus and the assault on reality

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LWolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-12-03 09:02 PM
Original message
'The war on truth: The Bush circus and the assault on reality
By Joe Giambrone


Here is the heart of the beast. The news and news-like "product" that a majority of Americans receive comes through the filter of mega-corporate media. These behemoths know a good deal when they smell one, and so they have decided to appease Caesar. End result of that: you really can fool most of the people most of the time.

Still, I don't think the Shrub has a snow cone's chance in the Iraqi desert of being re-Selected. Sure, we have voting machine companies spreading their tamper-friendly machinery like some Borg planetary invasion. Sure, we have an Australian madman programming half of the nation with malignant stupid-rays. Sure, we've got ignorance, apathy, and radical nonsense-icalism running rampant across the nation like SARS. Sure, we've got Reichsfuhrer John Ashcroft - in the name of "freedom" - scaring small children and the rest of us on his Defeat Democracy Tour '03.

But, we've also got a lot of dedicated, angry, pissed-off, red-blooded, freedom-loving, brilliant, kind, generous, thinking Americans who still remember a little document called The U.S. Constitution. And it is to that Constitution we owe our allegiance, not to these demented clowns at the Cabal's Circus of the Absurd and Macabre.

In November 2004, we will most definitely have a majority vote for "anybody but BushCo." My own vote will be for the candidate who opposes Bush absolutely, diametrically, and unflinchingly. Even if I have to write-in his name on my absentee ballot, I'm voting for Dennis Kucinich. And I've never heard Dennis Kucinich tell a lie.

Not once.

Very powerful, and I agree. Except that I'll vote for whoever the dem is on the ticket in 04. But in the primary, I will cast my vote "for the candidate who opposes Bush absolutely, diametrically, and unflinchingly. Even if I have to write-in his name on my absentee ballot, I'm voting for Dennis Kucinich."
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Mal Donating Member (213 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-12-03 09:50 PM
Response to Original message
1. He is NOT Australian!
We gave him to you, and you can damn well keep him.
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RandomKoolzip Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-12-03 10:05 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Does that mean that you are Austral- uh, I mean..."Austrian?"
Heck, we don't want his gaptoothed ass, either!
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