since Conason is on tour, I think he's probably plugging you. He worked it into the conversation on his own, and since he probably gets many of the same questions on his tour, it mean he may have promoted you to other audiences.
He said he gets many of the same questions about the Media, so I assume he gives many of the same answers.
Here's the C-Span info. BTW, your "Re-Arranging Deck Chairs" is a great show. The two of you are really good together. There's a quality of PBS's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me," and a little Smothers Brothers and a nice "edginess" that's very personal. Just my opinion, but if you can hang in long enough, would think that you could get picked up by a bigger outlet.....maybe Gore's new cable.
Here's hoping Conason's plug is a big help. Maybe you could e-mail him and see what he says. Tell him a loyal C-Span viewer from DU reported it to you. :shrug:
Here's the C-Span blurb:
Big Lies
ID: 178611 - 10/10/2003 - 1:00 - $29.95
Conason, Joe, Editor at Large, New York Observer
Author and journalist Joe Conason talks about his book, Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda
Machine and How it Distorts the Truth, published by Thomas Dunne Books. In the book, Mr.
Conason examines the ways in which he believes conservative pundits incorrectly blame liberals
for many of the shortcomings of government. The author focuses on issues he feels are most
misunderstood by the public, including free-market capitalism, the war on terror, and the military.
Mr. Conason also discusses how, in his view, conservatives such as Ann Coulter and Newt
Gingrich attack liberals unfairly and unnecessarily on many issues.
Note: This is a copyrighted VHS videotape copy of the program as it aired on C-SPAN. The tape
can be purchased for viewing at home, education, or research. Any other use requires a license
and permission from C-SPAN.