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Well, I guess we've hit bottom.
There are TWO threads in the last 24 hours in which the poster(s) either directly accuse or imply that Gov. Howard Dean and/or Wesley Clark are racists, or they promote racism.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=108&topic_id=58862&mesg_id=58862http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=108&topic_id=58498&mesg_id=58498This would almost be a joke if it were posted elsewhere. But this isn't elsewhere. This is a special place. this is
Democratic Underground. To charge that any Democratic candidate is a racist is a very, very, serious thing, IMO.
This is beyond pathetic. It is beyond the pale. It is simply beneath contempt. It goes far beyond bashing. It is a smear of the most scurrilous kind.
I don't care what people think of Howard Dean's policies, statements, positions, hair cut, tie length, or neck size. Fair game. But to accuse him of racism is deplorable in the extreme.
None, and I mean NONE of the 9 Democratic candidates running for the nomination are racists. Not one of them. To post this type of crap at DU is appalling. There is certainly nothing wrong with vigorous debate, differing opinions, heated and flaming arguments between supporters, but this is simply too much. This is a new low. I have done my share of bashing here, but I hope I would never sink low enough to use the racism attack.
Our candidates are DEMOCRATS. Our party is not about racists!I'm going to say it again:
Not one of these candidates are racists. Not Clark, not Kerry, not Edwards, not Sharpton, not Mosley-Braun, not Lieberman, not Gephardt, not Kucinich, and not Dean.Disagree with their campaign rhetoric, their records, their votes. Fine. Criticize their party allegiance, their tie length, their neck size, their hair cuts, thier wealth, their wifes hairstyle, the car they drive. Fine.
But call them racists? That is simply unacceptable and abhorrent.
That crap is freeper behaviour. It doesn't belong at DU.
I am sickened by this stuff. I'm ashamed that Democrats(?) are doing this.
I am proud to be a Democrat. This party and the people in it have fought against bigotry, racism, exclusion, and injustice for as long as I've been alive. I am a Democrat because it is our party who believes in equality, justice, and what is right and good.
Every one of the candidates represent those values.None of our candidates deserve to be called a racist. Ever.Shame on you.