I know, K Street is fake. But I'm surprised nobody posted about last night's!
Most of last night was about the Wilson leak and Mary Matalin. James Carville called up Drudge and left the most colorful message--about why he put that picture up of Mary when she had nothing to do with it.
Then, Carville spent time trying to get Mary Matalin to hire a lawyer *just in case*. The guy he had talking to her said "You don't *know* George Bush didn't have anything to do with that." and she got ALL prickly and went "Yes I DO, Yes I DO...I know him, he would never do that, I know my friends." :puke:
Al Hunt "leaked" to Carville that they were probably going to confiscate hard drives, etc. Carville says this to Matalin, and she's all "eww, who told you this, a DEMOCRATIC source?" (At least she says DemocratIC)
What I want to know is why all the real lifers on that show are doing such good jobs of acting. Harry Ford was on too. I wonder if any of it *is* true (I guess that was Soderbergh's plan).