We can be assured that we haven't heard the best shot "for" the war from the Repubs yet. They are saving a few bullets for the upcoming election. However, the "good things" happening in Iraq will probably be a cornerstone. They are still hoping to find some "evidence" of WMDs or nuclear materials, so as to validate their claims. It doesn't matter if some of their previous claims were "unproven", the important thing is that we are fighting them on their own turf and Saddam Hussein is gone.
Already they are telling America, and few Democrats disagree, that Iraq and the world are better off without Saddam Hussein. They will operate from that premise. Gradually, they will attempt to tie Uday, Qusay, and Saddam to al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. They will point out that Saddam paid rewards to those terrorists' families who killed Israelies or Americans. They will point out all the 'good things" that are happening and the possibilities for the future of a Middle East with a "democratic" Iraq. Their arguments will be very convincing to a lot of Americans, perhaps the majority?
The people "against" the war will point out that it was premised on "lies". The Administration, with media cooperation, was able to convince the majority of Americans that Saddam Hussein was somehow connected to 9/11. Saddam Hussein was not an imminent threat to our nation. He had no nuclear materials or WMDs. The entire war was based on "lies". And now we are averaging 6 GIs per week killed and numerous more seriously wounded. At the present time, there are 25 separate attacks per day on Americans.
Whose argument will carry the day?