...serious about winning, you should concentrate on the southern states - not who's the most progressive.
I like Dean. I enjoy listening to him and I'd give anything to sit at the bar for an hour and drink with him. He's an elitist (raised on Park Avenue, has an Ivy League background) but he's smart as a whip and tolerates no fools. I like that but the Democratic leadership doesn't like it, and southerners hate it - ESPECIALLY from a Yankee. Let's get the South to secede and THEN run Dean/Clark - he'll win. Without it, he loses. That's a fact.
Lieberman should get out. I've seen more anti-Lieberman posts than anti-Bush posts, which is incredible. He has no hope of igniting support in his party and may want to consider switching.
Gephardt's ship sailed ten years ago. He's a solid guy but too old and too close to labor, which means he can't win the South. Bye, bye, Dick.
Kerry? Yeah, sure. He says one thing one day and another thing the next day. Methinks Theresa is behind this. Bush would eat him alive outside of New England. I don't know if he can even win Pennsylvania. They elected Rendell and he's an old fashioned 1950s style Democrat from Philly. Ed Koch says Kerry will be the nominee and Bush will beat him with a lead pipe. He's probably right.
Kucinich? I was in junior high when 'ol Dennis and George Forbes dragged Cleveland into bankruptcy. That region's economy has never been the same since.
Graham had a chance but I don't think we're hearing the truth about his health. The man doesn't look good, and he's too old to compete with Bush. He should never have gotten in.
Clark: Maybe next time. It's so late, and he's so far behind in fundraising and he's so inexperienced...I just don't see him beating Bush's $300+M warchest. He waited too damn long.
Moseley-Braun, Sharpton, et al: Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.
Who would I vote for TOMORROW? Bob Kerrey of Nebraska: scary smart, foreign policy guru, left a leg in Vietnam and probably runs sprints better at 65 than I do at 37. He gets all the chicks, too - lucky bastard!