Listen up people. Our main goal for 2004 is to get our White House and congress back. I am a Clark supporter but first and foremost I'm an "Any Democrat in 2004" supporter.
Now, here's the hard part. Regardless of what candidate you support Karl Rove is your #1 enemy. All Democratic candidate Campaigns need to work together to diffuse Karl Rove. We shouldn't stoop to his level but we should pull the curtain back so people can see the weasel wizard for what he really is. That means detailing his tactics to the press. Letting everyone know what he's up to and who is working for him. So dig up everything and anything about Karl Rove and his goings on and post it here and on your candidate’s blogs. If you are working in a campaign read the book Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove made George W Bush Presidential; by James More.
Don't be tempted to think that Karl is out of the game because of "Leak-gate" The wizard is still in it. Let's expose him!
Here are some links on Karl Rove.,0,462828.story Wesley Clark is Karl Rove’s Worst Nightmare