"Nineteen computers belonging to top-secret establishments of the Defence Research and Development Organisation at Metcalfe House near ISBT have been stolen. What's spooked the defence brass is that the computers - which were installed in the offices of the Scientific Analyses Group and the Institute for System Studies and Analyses - contained strategic data vital to India's security. The SAG is responsible for cryptography. In other words, all codes and cyphers to ensure communication security for the defence forces have an SAG stamp. The ISSA, on the other hand, analyses competing weapons systems for induction into the armed forces. For the moment, the defence establishment has no answers - only red faces. 'We don't even know the extent of loss of strategic data,' said sources at the Ministry of Defence. What's worrying the defence establishment is that the DRDO has provided the encryption back-up for protecting strategic communications in the context of India's nuclear arsenal."
(the rest of the article wouldn't link so you have to go to to read it.)
how does one tiptoe out of a secure bldg. with 19 computers?
does this mean the thief can activate nuclear stuff with these codes?