You GOTTA Love this War. We INSIST.
Not that it’s a war mind you. It is not a war.
It is a single battle in our nation’s larger war on terror.
Which is a war unlike any other war and there should be another word for it.
But we won that battle and we continue to win the battle after the battle which is the battle we wanted to battle in the war on terror in the first place.
And, Iraqis love us. The media is filtering your beautiful minds with images of death and dissent.
We got a clear look at presidential priorities today. The corporate cheerleader addressed the most importance challenge facing BushCo today:
Bush’s War is getting bad press.That effects poll numbers, and, more importantly, that effects fund raising. Time to take out the patriot hammer with the ‘with us or against us’ sash and flail away:
The media needs to tell the truth about BushCo record in the war on terror.
But, they should focus on Afghanistan.
Remember Afghanistan? Where US forces killed more innocent civilians than died on 9/11/01 and accomplished............ what? Well, other than the pipeline deal, not much. The Taliban is back. Opium production is at an all-time high. The Bush oil-puppet ‘rules’ a fortified portion of Kabul while the rest of the country has returned to warlord rule. US and coalition troops are under attack again and al qaeda thrives in our ‘ally’ Parkistan.
When was the last time you heard BushCo tout their successes in Afghanistan? (Oh yeah, that would be NEVER.)
The situation is Iraq is decaying. And it was bad to begin with. The soldiers do not have even the basi necessities and BushCo is pushing a ‘Happy Iraqi’ agenda while suggesting that any media that does not sing-along-with-Bush is undermining the effort there.
“Don’t Worry, Be Stupid”
BushCo’s pervasive, cynical propaganda (ie. the ‘letters from Iraq’ outrage; the Showtime whoring) makes the Nazi’s look like junior high students undermining a chess club election.
(The National evenings news seems to know what’s going on. The cable stations are UTTERLY and ABSOLUTELY worthless and must be ignored.)