Channel surfing between my favorite Monday night shows, I run across Hannity. He has Ollie North by his side and is blathering on about how the pResident got bad intelligence from the CIA and he "misspoke" because of it back in September. Naturally, it wasn't his fault (*), it was all the CIA's fault. Ollie North agrees with this and goes further by saying, not only is it the CIA's fault, but it was clearly the fault of Toticelli's and the rest of the liberals for passing legislation that kept the CIA from doing their job. So, by Colonel NutCase's spin, bush* got bad info from the CIA because they were stymied by the liberals... Unfrickin' believable. Col. WhackNut then proceeds onto the next spin in regards to the letters sent to the editorial pages of the US soldier's local hometown newspapers. This, according to him, was no big deal because that kind of thing is done all the time in the military and was voluntary on the part of the soldiers. That quivering mass of man-gina, Colmes, pretty much sat there the whole time while Hannity and Anthrax Coulter srceamed over the next guest, a managing editor of some major mag, (I want to say Vanity Fair, but I can't remember) he's trying to give his reasons why bush* should be impeached as Hannity shrieks at the top of his lungs and AnnMan rudely laughs at everything the guy says and loudly talks over him while blatantly exchanging knowing looks and smirks with Hannity and rolling her eyes. Sean assists Coulter in stifling the guy at every turn so Anthrax can spew her same old tired drivel and the guy gets pretty much shut down by the both of them.
What is the problem with Colmes? Can the guy not muster up some kind of righteous indignation every once in a while and come to the aid of some of the few brave libs that show up for this sham of a show with something relevant and enlightening to say. As a dem, I find him a real disappointement, but I guess that's show business. Then it dawned on me, Faux got the memo from bushco, bring out the heavy guns and get your best shills on the case, cause we're in big trouble for 2004.